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Counseling and Psychotherapy in Substance Abuse

Counseling and Psychotherapy in Substance Abuse


Substance abuse which is also known generally as, drug dependence can be better explained as an addict's extreme awe of using substances that control him for normally performing and functioning as a human being. When the user does not seek such substances that he fairly relies on, he suffers from a major substance abandonment. Substance abuse more precisely can be defined as a model that relates to harmful and abundant use of a particular substance that helps in altering one's mood too. It is the use of harmful drugs or the abuse of prescription of over-the-counter drugs for reasons that are other than those which are directed on the drug in a particular quantity and order.


Role of the Counselor in Assessing Symptoms & Indicators of Substance Abuse

This sort of harmful use of substances which include alcohol, cigarettes and harmful drugs is something that is most commonly found to commence in childhood or teenage. There are certain indicators that counselors of such drug addicts should understand to better deal with patients suffering from excessive substance abuse. Such risk factors can be certain family history factors which have negatively influenced a child's early growth and upbringing like a chaotic home environment, not adequate attention and love from parents, lack of proper and effective nurturing. Factors linked to a child's socialization other than his direct family may also be an indicator that may risk him for drug abuse, like too much aggressive or excessive shyness in the classroom, lack of socializing skills, not up to mark performance at school and either associating oneself with a nonstandard peer group or totally isolating oneself from friends and their influence altogether (Cuijpers, 2002).

Other than a counselor the friends and family circle are amongst those who can easily identify the symptoms or indicators of substance abuse. And is identified at an early stage it augments opportunity of a successful treatment. Some common signs or indicators that counselors have stated to watch for are withdrawing from past activities which could be giving up on sports, not paying enough attention to homework, or even withdrawing hanging out with friends. There could be a significant mood swing or behavior seen. Too much forgetfulness or even disappearing valuables and money is a dangerous sign. The patient at any stage of substance dependency may feel extremely hopeless, low, depressed and time feel like attempting for a suicide. Physical issues may include red eyes and inaudible speech. Excessive lying, chiefly when inquired about the quantity of alcohol or drugs being used is a significant indicator.

Constant discussion of drinking passionately, having troubles in driving after dinking, getting blackouts of not knowing what the person was doing a while back, problems at school with teachers and classmates, problems at workplace with colleagues and bosses are all related to excessive use of drugs that end up into substance abuse (Denise &Yamaguchi, 1993, pp. 851-855).

How does the Counselor affect Substance Abuse?

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