Psychological Underpinning

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Psychological Underpinning

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Psychological Underpinning


The Social Cognitive Theory can be identified as one of the most effective and widely used psychological theories in the contemporary environment. This theory is highly recommended for the educational institutions, as it allows the instructors to develop the relevant skills and academic attributes among the students. The core ideology of the theory is that the behaviors and attitudes of individuals can be altered through the process of social learning. The knowledge that a person actions is directly related to the observation of the external environment, and how he interacts with the other people (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002). Hence the theory suggests that new knowledge is not attained by individual predominantly through the process of individual trial and error, rather most of the knowledge is created through the process of social learning. The social cognitive theory can be taken to understand the repetitive and uniform behavior and attributes among individuals of a given society. These persons have learnt the behavior of repeating the socially acceptable actions, and preserved them in the forms of traditional norms and values.

In the context of the educational institutes the social cognitive theory can be used to enhance the knowledge pool of the students. The instructors can through a highly complex teaching plan model the correct behavior, and then encourage the students to assimilate these actions. Through the process of social learning the students would closely monitor the action of the teacher and through the adequate instructions, would be able to implement the activity themselves. Self efficacy is a vital component of the social learning process, as it provides the students with the belief and motivation to model the actions of the instructors.


Social Cognitive Theory 'Task Analysis'

Jumping Rope & Math Problem

The tasks such as jumping rope and solving a basic math problem can be identified as fairly simple for the individuals studying in the 11th Grade. As per the relevant components of the social learning theory, these behaviors have been learnt by the individuals in the earlier parts of their lives. Their parents were the initial role models for these students, and they helped them attain the knowledge regarding these actions. Over their lifetimes these individuals would have implemented these actions on repetitive basis (Bandura, 2001). These students would face minimal difficulties in performing the physical actions such as jumping rope. Hence the instructions would have to play a minimal role in teaching the students in performing the physical and academic actions.

Task Analysis Breakdown

Jumping Rope: Mental & Physical Attributes

In the process of jumping rope the first step is to develop a detailed action plan for the students. The teacher must highlight the individual steps required to complete the task and then model these actions to the relevant students. The first step in the jumping rope activity would be for the individual to develop mental plan for implementing the activity. The second aspect would be to focus on the physical aspect. The individual should perform certain basic exercises so that ...
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