Psychological Profiling

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Psychological Profiling

Psychological Profiling


Profiling, the term, referred to various area of forensic science. For instance, profiles of female prisoners have been made by analyzing crimes and lives of imprisoned women in prison facility. Others have researched the domain of frauds made by credit card and the category of individuals continuously engaged in such crimes. Nowadays, profiling has also turned out to be an instrument employed excessively in criminal investigations. Profiling is arising as a science but keeps on receiving mingled reviews (Rossmo, 1999).


Techniques used in Psychological Profiling

Offender Profiling: Law enforcement authorities gather data, regularly using anecdotal information or case studies, which then translated into general details of the types of individuals most normally related with a particular criminal action. This stereotyping is ordinary in looking for terrorists and drug couriers and can often be persistent and lawfully weak.

Victim Profiling: Profilers distinguish the behavioral and personality features of crime victims who incline to fall target to categories of criminals. Information can be collected through distinctive records; interviews with victims, witnesses, friends, and family; crime scene examination; and autopsies.

Equivocal Death Profiling: It is also occasionally denoted to as psychological autopsy; detectives use nonscientific data to give details of the motives of an individual or group pursued in suicide agreement or difficult-to-explain demises.

DNA Profiling: In recent years, events of killings have been worked out as a consequence of the arrival of genetic science or DNA profiling. This contains collecting DNA from crime settings, offenders, and victims in efforts to compare culprits to crimes (Godwin, 1999).

Advantages of Psychological Profiling

Offer a Lead: The very fundamental benefit that a criminal profiler brings around an investigation is the capability to provide investigators a lead where there otherwise is not one. Few felons are excellent enough that they leave very minute actionable proof of their crimes, and ...
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