Psychological Part Of The Essay

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The Psychological Part of the Essay

The Psychological Part of the Essay

In today's globalized world; healthcare service providers are faced with an increased pressure from different avenues. They consistently need to improve the patient care, despite a persistent shortage of nurses. They also need to incorporate innovative technologies in the consistently changing environment of healthcare industry. No single solution can address the number of issues faced by the healthcare industry. However, some simple steps could be taken to initiate positive changes in the process.

In this essay, we would attempt to discuss a case study on Jean with respect to our chosen topic of communication among nurses. Nurses today, comprise of more than thirty percent of percent of the total hospital staff in most countries (Kruijver, & Bensing, 2000, pp. 129). Similarly, they also represent the largest portion of employee population in most hospitals. Nurses are the primary caregivers in the healthcare industry and play a vital role in the well being of the patient. Hence, the effectiveness of communication between the nursing staff is vital to the well being of the patient and in the achievement of the long term goals of the healthcare institution.

Case Study

Jean has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is a white Scottish woman aged 64 years and lives in Govan with her husband, who is retired. Prior to diagnosis Jean worked as a cafeteria worker. She is a non-smoker, having given up smoking in her fifties. She has three grown-up children and has a sixteen-year-old granddaughter living with her after her daughter struggled to cope due to mental health and drug issues. Her doctor reports that Jean is experiencing discomfort and is angry with her doctor because she believes she could have diagnosed the disease earlier.

Psychological Factors

If we analyze the case study discussed above to our topic of communication among nurses; several psychological factors come into play. As Jean is old and is retired; she might be suffering from clinical depression on top of the recent diagnosis of Lung cancer. Possibility of clinical depression is high in the case of Jean; as her daughter passed away struggling with drugs and she has the responsibility of her granddaughter who lives with her.

With respect to our chosen topic; a nurse's communication could play a vital role in the treatment and well being of Jean. Jean is a senior citizen and has feelings that she could have been diagnosed with the disease earlier. Her husband due to his age might not be able to completely look after Jean; it could inculcate feelings of loneliness in her.

As a nurse taking care of Jean, the aspect of nurse-patient communication is vital to her well being. As her nurse, one should consistently speak to her about her family, her illness and her well being. Being alone in the hospital could have an adverse effect on the psychological well being of the Jean. Communication should be ensured by the nurse so they can solve ...
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