Providing Shelters To Homeless

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Providing Shelters to Homeless

Providing Shelters to Homeless


Thanking god for coming home enjoying a cup of coffee, teasing siblings, funning around with friends, spending times with parents, sharing pity issues of not having new dress to wear on Saturday night part, having warm and cozy bed to sleep and shedding cold winter near heater. What if all is this luxuries, comfort, coziness is taken away from us just in spilt seconds, and we are nowhere to go; no one to talk; no one to share; no one to belong to; no food to eat; being dependent on charity; no life to enjoy; no clothes to decide from what to wear today; and no place to sleep? There around round the world millions of people, who are deprived of everything, deprived of food, clothing and shelter. They do not know whom they belong to, where they come from, where they are heading.

There are people suffering because of economic conditions or natural disaster, and are coming on streets because they have lost all what they pose. These conditions are leading to the increase in the rate of crime, drugs intake, and suicides in the world. When a person cannot meet his or her basic needs, what are they left to, either kill themselves or snatch it. We all see the problems but never go towards the root cause of them nor do we try to find the symptoms of them. Helping them, providing them opportunities, rehabilitating them and supporting them are the only solution where we can eliminated the crime rate, suicides and people coming to streets, with every passing person has issues (


Statistics of Homeless in America

During 1990s, when the world was in the phase of economic development and prosperity, the statistics of homeless increased with the uncontrollable rate and only then, five to six thousand people were taken as homeless that is without safe, permanent and decent place to live and meeting their basic needs.

Since 2008 to 2009, 20,000 people of America have become homeless, which is 3% increase. People who are experiencing homelessness by subpopulation are 252,821 in 2009, which are unsheltered. In 2008 to 2009, the largest increase was in the family household being homeless were of 4%, which makes it over 32,000 households. The number of families being homeless increased to 6,000 in 2009 than 2008, which was 236,904 in 2008, which is 3% of increase. Alone in Mississippi, the rate of families being homeless increased to 260% since 2008 to 2009.

The people, who are going through the face of being homeless, are accommodating themselves in car, on streets or places that are not suitable for human habilitation. Even after the decrease in the population during 2055 to 2008, there was noted stagnation is in the number of chronically homeless people in the country, even thought there was 11% increase reported in the allocation of the permanent supporting house unit. In America 31 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia reported the increase in the ...
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