Florida is located in the southeastern part of United States of America and is 8th most densely populated state. The Metropolitan area of Miami is the largest metropolitan area of the state. Florida faced severe threats from Hurricanes as it is located on the coast side of United States. According to US department of Census the population of Florida comprise of 78% white persons and 16% Black persons. The total population of Florida is 19,057,542 and covered area is 53624.76 miles (US Census, 2011).
Miami Dade County is located on the southeastern side of Florida. According to US census 2010 the population of Miami Dade County is 2,496,435. The business facts of the county are that Nonfarm private establishments are 73,410, Nonfarm private employment are 802,109. The percentage change in Nonfarm employment from year 2000-2010 is -6.1%. The covered are of the county is 1897.2 square miles. Population density is 1315.7 persons per square mile. Male population of the county consists of 48.6% of the total population whilst the female population of the society consists of 51.4% (US Census, 2011).
The C4 project was established in Miami in order to prevent flooding in Miami in season of hurricanes and rainfalls. The establishment of C4 has lead to reduction in repairing costs as well damages to the property and human life. With the help of C4 the water can be stored and reused to water the plantation and horticulture in the city to make the city greener (FEMA, 2012).
Proposal for Financing
Role of Taxation in funding the project
Taxation has an important part in funding the projects. Taxes can be charged on any useful commodity including car, roads, houses wealth. The tax collections can then be used to fund the projects by the government or the authority of ...