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Chapter 1: Introduction

Tesco is one of Britain's leading food retailers and has 586 stores though out Great Britain. From 1992 Tesco has grown greatly and has increased its market share from 10.4% to 15.2%. This increse in customers has also given Tesco a large amount of profit.

Tesco has 164,500 shareholders. Tesco's profit is about 505 million pounds after the tax has been deducted; about 50%of this is then distributed to the shareholders as dividends. The rest ruffly 250 million pounds is held back for investment in stores and improving sevices for the customers. The average shareholder holds between one and one thousand shares, but also a large amount of shares are held by banks, pension funds and building sercertys. Tesco's share prices have risen since February 1997 when it was 349p to 586p on the 21st April 1998. The shares have peaked a high price of 603p. With this growth Tesco's is now the largest super market chain.

Successful retail management involves balancing multiple demands and returns across key stakeholders, while mismanaging stakeholder relationships may have enduring negative effects (Whysall, 2000). Thus, prima facie, it seems retailers must manage communications to key stakeholders to ensure supportive, productive relations. Here, analyses are presented of press releases from leading British supermarkets to explore the tenor and effectiveness of retailer-stakeholder communications. Press releases are widely used corporate communications, yet receive little evaluative attention in the marketing literature. Supermarkets are selected as a competitive, dynamic sector wherein stakeholder relationship management should be crucial.

Tesco has a wide of operation and wants every one to buy their products . This is though as it is normally people who have moved out of their parents home and have accomadtion of their own. Tesco's aim is to get full time loyaty from their costemers and to carry on increaseing the value of their goods for the costemers. They want to under stand and respect their customers better than other supermarket chains. Their staff is very important to them so they aim to please their staf for tescos valuesand also to relises their large controbutions in to tescos empirea. To increase life for custimers tescos are all ways ready to take sensable risks to improve this. They also want to make life better and custumers shopping experance more enjoyable in no way other competative companyscan, they will do this through using there bring people who work for them and also using technolagy, intelligence and sales this all should help increase better value. Tesco have also introged a range of finciail services this was started in 1997. This includes newly started pensions, investment sceams, insurance and credit cards.See back for information investment Tesco's.

Aim and objective

There are a variety of economic activities which cab is used toward company success; one of these activities can be that a store transfers its store loyalty to online loyalty. In this research paper we examine the effectiveness of tesco in transferring store loyalty to online loyalty.

Chapter 2: Literature review

Customer loyalty

Developing and maintaining customer loyalty ...
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