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An Exploration Of The Use Of Occupation In Older People With Mental Health Issues Living In The Community

Table of Content


Purpose of the Research1


Research Question and Objectives1

Theoretical Framework1


Assumptions & Limitation2




Data collection and analysis13



Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this study will be to compare different therapeutic programmes for elderly persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from seven community elderly centres that will run and designed by occupational therapists and to evaluate their efficacy.


Forty-five elderly persons with mild cognitive deficits were recruited by convenience sampling into programmes from seven district-based community elderly centres within a period of 3 months.

Research Question and Objectives

The objectives of the study will be threefold:

To compare the contents of the cognitive training programmes offered to elderly persons with MCI in the community centres.

To document the outcomes of the cognitive training programmes offered to elderly persons with MCI in the community centres.

To explore the key factors leading to the success of the cognitive training programmes offered to elderly persons with MCI in the community centres.

Theoretical Framework

Dementia is one of the common diseases among the elderly. The prevalence rate of dementia in UK elderly is about 0.5-5.4% in England while it is 1.8-2.8% in England and Singapore (Ng, 2003). The early stage of dementia usually involves mild difficulty in acquiring new information. It is usually misinterpreted by relatives as forgetfulness due to normal ageing. The performance of complex tasks also deteriorates because of the difficulties found in memory, planning, organization, judgment and decision-making. The elderly person may be aware of all this, and may develop social withdrawal or depressive dysphoria in reaction to the awareness of early cognitive symptoms.


A number of limitations of our study will must be mention. These limitations also provide avenues for further research. A major limitation is that only one organization was selected. In future studies a number of different industries can be selected to improve generalizability. Secondly, our study will use data obtained from customers to a limited extent. Additional studies in this field should use customer-based data to a greater extent than we will to achieve a deeper understanding of the processes that drive customer reactions.

Thirdly, our study merely considers the moderating effects of the customer orientation of integration. It is plausible that customer orientation of integration has a direct effect on cost savings and market-related performance.

Assumptions & Limitation

It was also assumed that the data sources that used within the studies were reliable and having valid data, the participants were randomly selected from the whole chosen . There were certain limitations to this study because it was focused one single group that has limited amount of sample to calculate, this kind of study can be conducted on international level and by doing so we will expand the cultural and geographical factors in the research.


OT is a complex intervention that includes a wide range of elements, although the effective 'active ingredients' can be difficult to ...
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