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Promoting Positive Health Behaviors

Promoting Positive Health Behaviors

Every Woman Matters

Every Woman Matters is a federally funded program for scans against cervical cancer, breast cancer, cardiovascular examinations and diabetes. This program provides scanning services for women without medical services between 40 and 64 years of age. The program is funded by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of USA. The practice based intervention for this program was designed in collaboration of the Nebraska Health and Human Services. The health care facilities Nebraska receives about $ 3 million annually to promote exploration and diagnostic tests, public and professional education, monitoring, evaluation and activities to ensure high quality of health care facilities are being provided to the women inside the state. Due to the establishment of this program the State of Nebraska is the only one of the 12 states that provides a cardiovascular program that scans diabetes in women (Backer, 2005). In September 2005, this program was one of five programs that were awarded funds to provide scans against colorectal cancer.

Every Woman Matters pays for doctor visits associated with Pap tests, exams pelvic and clinical breast exams and laboratory expenses. Along, with that age Mammograms that are appropriate to the program are covered as well as a limited number of tests diagnosis. Every Woman Matters program, in conjunction with the Race against the Cure program is seeking service expansion programs to pay for more diagnostic tests. According to estimation Every Woman Matters will receive a funding of $ 125,000 over the next three years of the American Society. According to the Nebraska Cancer Registry in 2002, 1,560 women were diagnosed with breast cancer, 1,371 invasive cases including 266 cases in situ. In 2003, 244 women died of breast cancer and 14 died of invasive cervical cancer.

In 1990 (before the program began), only 46% of women aged 50 and older had a mammogram in the previous two years. In 1997 (five years after the program began), the figure rose to 68%. In 2002, 75% of women in Nebraska 50 years and older reported having a mammogram performed on the last two years. Every Woman Matters diagnosed 995 cases of hypertension nevi, 991 new cases of high cholesterol, and 224 new cases diabetes since 2002. Ever since then Every Woman Matters availability has been preventive tests against cardiovascular disease and diabetes (Kovner, & Knickman, 2011). These tests include the Blood pressure, lipid screening panel, and triglycerides estimation tests health risk. It provides personalized education and information to help Nebraska women to live healthier lives.

The program was in effective specifically because of the fact that the expected level of breast and cervical cancer screening falls short of the ideal. The program was only able to achieve a modest level of success, as the program failed to bring major changes in the treatment methods being used for the treatment of cervical and breast cancer. Another major reason why the program was ineffective is the fact that there was no plan for the assessment of ...
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