Promote Quality Teaching & Learning

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Promote Quality Teaching & Learning

Promote Quality Teaching & Learning


In recent years, United States has been talking a lot about quality in education. The theoretical and practical training of the teacher may help to improve the quality of teaching, as are the social changes that will generate transformations in education. This arouses a review of teaching practice and the necessary and consequent redesign of the teaching profession that breaks with old concepts of traditional teachers. For the quality of education, teaching, without speaking of teacher education, issues that are closely linked. With the prospect of more effective education for all, the state has organized and direct learning situations is no longer a way to simultaneously banal and complicated to describe what they do spontaneously all teachers. The language enhances the desire to meet great teaching situations, including and especially for students who do not learn lessons listening.

The educators in their teaching are constantly making proposing activities and submitting proposals to their students. Therefore, their action has to be considered, lest he fall reflected in practicism. This action thinking, where practical theory and consciousness are managed in the formation process. In order to achieve the goals of teaching practice, it is necessary to real appreciation of the teaching profession. There are three solid foundations i.e. good training, good continuous training and good working conditions, salary and career, allowing greater job security so that teachers earn basis for thinking your practice and improve more and more the quality of their work. If quality education is in decline if education professionals are not treated with due respect, if schools are all scrapped and if students do not have the slightest commitment to their education.

Discussion & Analysis

The aim of this research is to observe the conceptions of teaching quality of teachers to be aware of what is quality education for them and their teaching conforms to some basic references on the subject. The teaching practice contributes to improving the quality of education because the teacher only transfers knowledge is contributing very little to improve to the improvement of teaching. The teacher should be a mediator of the educational process, and thus provide the student with a knowledge acquisition that is, the student participate in the educational process by acquiring knowledge that will be useful. However, teacher mediator in the education system seems to be something abstract, universities do not prepare teachers to act ...
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