Project Management

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Project Management

Building a Canteen

Report A

Scope of the Project

To develop a canteen facility; mainly for the students of Coventry University London Campus, so that they are able to interact with each other and take part in several recreational activities. The canteen physical building will be built with environmentally responsible manner, and the participation of the students and the community member would be encouraged to attain the support of the local community (Ambec & Lanoie, 2008, pp. 60).

The canteen facility will be organized for a period of One week, commencing from 1st march 2013 till 7th march 2013.

The total budget is set out approximately around 5000 thousand pounds, which would include the rent of the merchandize, cost of food, labor cost, and other miscellaneous cost for a total of 7 days.

The deliverables of this project will be as following,

Various Recreational Activities which would allow the students of the college to engage with each other.

Various fast food items and cuisines.

A music performance by the college band on the last day.

Work Break down Structure (WBS)

The majority of the tasks related in the final construction of the canteen facility will be subdivided among categories, such as physical analysis of the location, architectural designing & planning, marketing of the initiative and the actual construction process. The tasks related to the physical analysis of the location and the feasibility of the construction process will be carried out by professional construction company representatives. The work break down structure is divided into three levels as following,

SWOT & TOWS Analysis


The organizers have the necessary management and technical skills in-house

Cost efficient budget has been assigned to the project

Estimated breakeven for completing the project

The project does not require any new technology or equipment

The project team is experienced on similar projects


No reliable estimate of costs available

No budget to provide contingency funding

Parts of the project need to be outsourced

Proposed schedule not fully drawn


project can be leveraged

competitors are less experienced

College students need recreational activities and some enjoyment according to a recent college survey

To be organized on a spare piece of land which is very close to the campus


Other well-established different project plans already in the marketplace

Experienced staff difficult to replace

Students economic conditions can have an effect on the project

Report B

Project Recommendations

In accordance to the scope of the project, the planned infrastructure should be built in a timely and cost efficient manner. The reason why I have pressed for the significant involvement of the students of Coventry University London Campus, in the planning phase is that it will allow the management team to get a cost efficient and highly capable team. The canteen facility will be built as per the culture of the local community and the educational institute. Since the students have the biggest share in the eventual utilization of the facility, I believe that their involvement in the key aspect of the development phase should be considered.

In order to save the cost of materials and the eventual maintenance cost I recommend the use of innovative ...
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