Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


Project is commonly a set of actions to be taken to meet an identified need within a specified time. A project is temporary in nature, which begins to re-engineer a process with a set time frame for it, (human and material). During implementation, it also has a cost and, therefore, subject to budgeting of resources and an independent review of enterprise. Called "deliverables" expected results of the project.

The difficulty in the conduct of the project lies largely in the multiplicity of actors that it mobilizes. Contrary to personal projects or internal projects to small scale for which the need and the response to this need can be made by the same person or a limited number of stakeholders in a project in the professional sense of the term, the expression of needs and satisfaction of this need are reflective of the actors normally separate.

In this way, it is necessary to ensure throughout the project, the product under development is clearly the expectations of the "client." In contrast to the conventional model of buyer and seller, when a buyer purchases a product already made to meet a need. A project aims to produce an original meeting a specific need that it should be expressed in a rigorous manner. This expression of need becomes more difficult when the project usually has no precedence in the company because of its novelty. Conversely, it is generally difficult to ignore the existing solutions, and to focus solely on the needs in practical terms (Wysocki, 2011, pp.441).

Performance and Goal Setting

What is so reasonable in SMART? Why this decline was part of the vocabulary of project planning and performance management?

The objectives SMART (accurate, measurable, agreed, workable / date and with a defined time period) are more likely to be achieved. When the general purpose of the standard translated into SMART, they become targets, which attract attention, action, feedback and training. These goals help to develop individual work plans and also provide a management system for employees, supervisors, carrying out an assessment of performance (Williams, 2008, pp.123).

How to write the objective SMART?

First, you decide what you hope to create, and how do you know that this is translatable into reality. We now express purpose of saying, "Our system of e-commerce generates income of at least $ 3,500 a month from the sale of goods by 31 July 2009, with quarterly revenue increase of at least 5% in the future." Aspects of the "exact", "measurable" and "with a defined time period" should be present in one succinct statement.

Can the problem reoccur? A lot relies on if the set objectives and goals coincide with the things really important to you (and your organization). If you can allocate resources to the goal. For individuals, organizations and resource allocation often reflect past priorities and requirements. During the development of SMART goals go back and compare the proposed results with existing commitments to a larger organization or system in which you ...
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