Project Management

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Project Management: KFH Housing


KFH is under pressure to improve the system at the company. As the system is outdated it has led to an increase in costs. Processes are more expensive because of an inefficient and outdated system. In order to cut the cost of the business and reduce avoidable costs, KFH have hired a consultancy to help them with the restructuring. The purpose of the restructuring will be bringing the system up to date and reduce the cost of doing business as a result. The consultancy has identified the facilities department and the IT department as the departments which need updating. They will now coordinate with KFH to achieve the needed change.


Task 11

1.1 Describe the background and principles of project management1

1.2 Appraise the viability of projects, developing success/failure criteria2

1.3 Explain the principles behind project management systems and procedures3

1.4 Explain the key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals4


Project Management: KFH Housing

Task 1

1.1 Describe the background and principles of project management

Project management is the art of organizing, planning, managing resources, and motivating to achieve specific goals. A project is a time constrained assignment with defined beginning and end (Nokes and Kelly, 2007, p.4). A project may be constrained by deliverables and funding. The principles needed for restructuring are;

The project plan needs to be developed so that the requirements of the project are clear to everyone. The project plan needs to be in simple terms so that everyone can understand them and cope with the duties assigned. The team members should not feel overwhelmed by the project so, it is suggested that it be broken into chunks.

Team members could be given autonomy in selecting the work they want to do. The specialization of the individual does not necessarily reflect the whole skill set. The individual may be able to do other tasks as well. Freedom of choosing their work will motivate them and keep them more focused on the task at hand. When an employee is motivated he will put in more effort as compared to when he believes the job being asked of him is too monotonous or does not inspire him enough.

By taking into consideration the views of the team members when it comes to deadlines the project manager will get an idea of the teams' perception about the time frame of the project. This will enable the manager to set a realistic time frame. The project manager should use the tool which is not only effective and efficient but also understandable and simple. If the tool being used is not easy to understand and requires specialized knowledge it limits the pool of people you can induct in the team.

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