Project Management

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Project Management


Executive Summary2


Project Description3

Business Objectives4

Project vision5

Project Scope5

Project Organization6


Project Structure7


Implementation Plan8

Work breakdown Structure (WBS)8

Project Schedule9

Resource Plan10

Project Completion12

Completion Criteria14

Project Consideration15

Project Assumptions15

Project Constraints15

Post Project Review (PPR)17

Revision History17



Project Management


The term Project Management refers to controlling, monitoring and planning of the projects in an efficient manner (Turner, 1999). Many practices and concepts in project management are now standardized and established. Basic knowledge of project management is taught to students in different university programs such as computer science, engineering and economics. There are many organizations worldwide that teach on how to undertake project management in a professional manner. One of the best institutes teaching project management includes United Kingdom office of Government Commerce, International Project Management Association (IPMA) and American Project Management (PMI). The project management and its processes are fundamentally of project and industry content. There are many types of projects and management methodology, but in any case, the powers held by the person managing the project (project manager) and the selection of appropriate techniques to manage projects at various stages of implementation have a key role in achieving the desired objectives and the project completed successfully.

Executive Summary

The aim of this research will be to investigate the role of Project Management and its outcome. This paper defines the Project Charter for a project management. It further goes on to describe the objectives, vision, scope, project description, project organization and implementation plan for the project.


A set of activities that help to achieve the objectives and missions in a particular time is known as project management. It includes scheduling, controlling, execution and planning of the tasks that are necessary to achieve the goals of the project. Project management can be described as a process which helps to effectively achieve project objectives by neutralizing the impact of risks and implementations that already existed. Project management also involves an area that is dedicated to building the project team motivation and proper communication between the participants involved. Project management includes components which are practical knowledge and helps to eradicate the risk that a project life cycle can fail at some point. When there is an inability to eradicate the uncertainty involved in project management that is the time when the risk of the project falls in. This usually results from the dynamics of communication amongst the project teams related to performance, external environmental factors, planning that is incorrect and participants in project management.

Project Description

Project management can be defined as the science of defining and achieving targets while optimizing the maximum possible use of resources (e.g., time, money, people, etc.). Project management is a field of activity and responsibility of many people, including the sponsor, the project participants and the project manager (Sears, 2010). The most distinctive role in a project management is of the manager dealing with the projects. It is because of the scope of responsibility, authority and the level of competence that a manger holds in respect to others. The project manager then undertakes its distinctive roles assigned to him as a ...
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