Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


This essay is based on the significance of balancing technical and human management skills for improving project outcomes. A discipline that is based on the process of planning, organizing, managing, securing, controlling and leading and monitoring the resources to achieve particular goals is known a project management. Project manager is a key individual, who is responsible for managing all the activities that come under any particular project.

The project manager is the person responsible for conducting a project and manages its functioning. In general, he/she hosts a team for various projects. The main purpose of the project manager is to ensure that a project comes to an end by fulfilling the goals, conditions of quality, cost and time. A successful project manager should possess the interpersonal and behavioural skills in order to manage his team members efficiently. Three of them are leadership quality, communication power and conflict resolution power (Wysocki, 2000).

A knowledgeable and skilled project manager is required to mange project in order to achieve its aims. One of the biggest risk involved in the project plan is the failure of the project if not implemented efficiently, it is required at the management end that proper planning is done. This requires that the project manger is technically knowledgeable. He should be able to properly manage the pre-planning phase of the project. He should have the quality of fore casting the problems that will arise at the user end during and after the implementation of this project. The project should be properly worked out before the starting of the implementation phase as the success of implementation depends on it (Nilsson, 2010).

Discussion and Analysis

A project manager is an individual who must spend at least 90% of the time in communicating his team on how to achieve the project objectives effectively and accomplish them within the deadline. A project manager can be only successful in managing a project if he or she is holds sound communicational skills. The project manager has the task of maintaining and enhancing the motivation of the members of the team throughout the duration of the project. In this regard, the most common problems are often of a conflict of priorities and problems resulting from a miscommunication or misunderstanding. The project manager must facilitate open communication and influence or authority to resolve conflicting priorities.

A project is an initiative taken by an organization to get something or radically transform something. This effort requires good planning and control if we want to achieve the objectives on time and at the expected cost. The reality shows a persistent tendency to deviation of these parameters. It is therefore necessary to act on the key points and deploy effective project management to achieve better coordination of activities, better use of available resources and more consistent with results expected by stakeholders. The project manager is the person responsible for carrying out a project and ensures its smooth running. He/she is responsible for leading the project team, and is the guarantor of ...
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