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Project Management

Project Management


A the grievance procedure is probably the most simple of all procedures. It must be noted that the grievance procedure may not be used to address unfair labour practices, salary or wage issues, demands for other benefits, or as an appeal mechanism following a disciplinary hearing. The grievance procedure is the vehicle used by an employee when he has a grievance or complaint relating to his working conditions.

This may be that his supervisor is continually picking on him, or his workstation may be situated in a draughty area which gives him a health problem, or perhaps there is some conflict between the employee and the fellow worker, and so on. (Bacharach & Bamberger, 2010: 518-539)

Whatever the case the employee should first bring his grievance to the notice of his supervisor, who must address the matter and try to solve it. If the supervisor cannot solve the problem than the supervisor must bring it to the attention of his line manager, who in turn must try to solve the problem by interviewing the employee and the supervisor together, to discuss the issue and see if some agreement or solution can be reached..

If the line manager cannot solve the problem, and any must referred to the HR department or to a director, who must attempt to resolve the issue. Should the issue not be resolved then the employee has the right to refer his grievance to the CCMA for assistance.

Disciplinary Issues

It is important for the employer to carry out a reasonable investigation before deciding whether a disciplinary hearing should take place.

If your employer decides there is a case to answer, you should be notified in writing of the alleged misconduct or poor performance and its possible consequences in sufficient detail to enable you to respond at a disciplinary hearing. You should be provided with any written evidence, which may include witness statements. You should also be told of your right to bring a companion to the hearing, who will usually be either a Trade Union official or a work colleague.

At the hearing, the employer should explain the allegations and go through the evidence. You should then be allowed to set out your case and respond to the allegations. You should be provided with reasonable opportunity to ask questions, present evidence, call relevant witnesses and raise points about any information provided by witnesses. (BinghamMesch, 2008: 671-694) Following the hearing, your should receive the employer's decision in writing without unreasonable delay. If you feel the disciplinary action taken against you is unfair, you should appeal in writing, specifying the grounds of your appeal. If you bring a tribunal claim without appealing, there may be a reduction in any compensation awarded.


A grievance can be any concern, problem or complaint that you raise with your employer. If a grievance cannot be resolved informally, you should raise it in writing with a manager (if the grievance concerns their line manager, the grievance should be raised with another ...
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