Project Management

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Critical Analysis of the most important project management factors that contribute to the successful delivery of projects

Critical Analysis of the most important project management factors that contribute to the successful delivery of projects


The concept of project management in a holistic context has been explored thoroughly in this paper. The general differentiation of the project management from the general management is usually done on the mission oriented nature of the projects. When in a corporation the mission is accomplished, a project organization will be terminated. The discipline of the project management can be defined as follow;

“Project management is the art of coordinating and directing the material resources and human using the modern management techniques throughout the life of a project to achieve the predetermined objectives of scope, time, cost, quality and participation satisfaction” Kerzner, 2009: 149-151).

The greater continuity of operations is assume generally by the general management of industrial and business. In addition to all this there are few differences and similarlities between the techniques developed from the modern management from the general management. These technwiues are further adapted for project management

The basic ingredient for the frame of project management may be schematically represented in Figure-1.The special knowlege related to the project management is indisoensable from the working knowledge of general management. Decision science and computre science also playing an important role in supoporting the discipleine. The resources from the project mangement are reflected in the Figure-1

Figure 1:  Basic Ingredients in Project Management

The set objectives of the project management can be accomplished when the appropiate operations are implemented in accordance to the resources constraints. There are some potential conflicts that exist between the the stated objective in regard to the time, cost, scope and quality. These constraints from the objectives then further make the impact on the financial resoucres and human material (Wysocki, 2011: 47). New alternatives need to be created resolve the conflicts. (Martin, 2010: 235).

Planning analysis

Project planning requires the development of structural work, which would later become the basis of a model project continues. Possible to use this model later in the evaluation of the project by comparing it with the statutory standards for efficiency. Planning necessarily need to align the objectives of the project with the organization's strategy and then develop key performance indicators for the follow-up performance.

Project Requirements

The advertisement and recruitment of required professional

The analyze and documentation of the project specification

The acquirement of all the needed hardware and software for IT operations

The full screening of the system through system's test, operation, designing and final implementation The required human resource in terms of seniority , category and hourly cost:

Experts of Functional - Those who are Familiar with the business process

Technical support - those technicians who have product knowledge and information

Analyst for Workflow Business - Required Workflow expert tools

Administrator of the system - maintenance of workflow environment

Analyst of the business- The business process assistor


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