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Project Management Leadership and Skills: Planning and Control

[Project Management Leadership and Skills: Planning and Control


The following paper is based on the Project Management Leadership and Skills; Planning and Control and the purpose of the paper is to highlight any project that known to the public that received attention by the media because of its perceived failure. In this regards, the author selected the Antarctica Drilling Project, which is considered to be failed. Therefore, in this paper, the author critically analyzed by underlying the detailed reasons for the perceived failure and secondly, the recommendations given in the end that would help in future to overcome to problems that arise during the project.


Background of the Project

British project drilling to sub-glacial Lake Ellsworth failed. An ambitious plan, scientists' assumed three-kilometre walk through the thick ice to reach the surface of the sub-glacial lake and run it in the probe to obtain samples of sediments. That for many years sought to polar station "Vostok", the British set out to do five days of drilling, but almost immediately went wrong, as planned.


Lake Ellsworth is located in western Antarctica, at a depth of more than three kilometres beneath the ice and snow. This relatively small elongated lake is about 10 kilometres and a depth of 150 meters. According to scientists, Ellsworth has been isolated from the environment for a half-million years. In Antarctica, there are more than 360 sub-glacial lakes, confirmed the results of seismological observations. Water is maintained at them in a liquid state due to geothermal energy and insulating effect of the huge ice caps and snow. In the centre of the continent, its thickness is more than three kilometres (Shukman, 2012).

On the few open areas of Antarctica, too, there are bodies of water. These include, for example, Lake Vida, which has recently found salt-and cold-resistant bacteria, extremophiles. Prior to that, the lake is easy to get to - it is covered by 27-meter thick ice. However, it is, and less interesting, because it was cut off from the outside world only 3,000 years old.

Sub-glacial lake biologists interested primarily due to their prolonged isolation and extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. Ellsworth not reported to the external environment during half a year, and that longer and East - whether 15, or 25 million years. During this time of life, of course, if there was one, is able to evolve in unexpected directions.

Extreme conditions of sub-glacial Antarctic lakes are like no others in the world resemble the conditions of other planets. If life exists on Mars, it is almost certain it is hidden in underground aquifers. The same can be said about the less-studied ice craters of Mercury (White, 2013). This makes the study of these extreme ecosystems on Earth is very interesting for those looking for life on other planets.

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