Project Management

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PMBOK - Project Management

Executive Summary

The report was prepared to give to readers an insight on management strategies and issues for Riverview Hotel. Through the report the reader will be able to understand concepts related to human resources, communication, and integration management. This report will be made with the highest professional standard and is more critical than descriptive. The report will consist of a introduction, a brief background of the project, a discussion of stakeholder communications management, project management information system, project life cycle, project integration management, project monitoring and change control and project closure. The effectivity of the project depends on the planning, implementing, controlling and implementing of the project. The findings about the importance of project integration are a vital threat to the success of the project. Project integration can do good things for the company but when the system and the project resist integrating with the project problems may arise that caused the project not to be a success.

Project integration can do good things for the Riverview Hotel but when the system and the project resist integrating with the project problems may arise because the project is not a success. It is a vital part of the project process that needs to be taken seriously. The project will be successful if proper planning; integration; implementing; organizing; controlling; maintaining and closing will be accomplished. Other things can be done for the project to be successful this includes comparing the capabilities of the company with the capacity to adapt changes; determining means for the company to integrate the project; finding out what causes the current system to integrate with the project; and getting information from employees on what should be done for the company to have success.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2

Introduction and Background4

Stakeholder Communications Management5

Project Management Information System7

Project Life Cycle10

Project Integration Management13

Project Monitoring and Change Control17

Project Closure21



PMBOK - Project Management

Introduction and Background

The report will discuss about communication requirements and how various aspects of the project will be demonstrated. The project will discuss about a project regarding marketing. The paper will show how important communication is to marketing. The paper will also try to integrate various aspects of the marketing can be integrated. Marketing is the process by which a product or service originates and is then priced, promoted, and distributed to consumers. In large corporations the principal marketing functions precede the manufacture of a product (Stackpole, 2009, pp. 15). They involve market research and product development, design, and testing. Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers. After determining the customers' needs and desires, marketers develop strategies that are designed to educate customers about a product's most important features, persuade them to buy it, and then to enhance their satisfaction with the purchase (Lewis, 1991, pp. 71).

Where marketing once stopped with the sale, today businesses believe that it is more profitable to sell to existing customers than to new ones. As a result, marketing now also involves finding ways to turn one-time purchasers into lifelong customers (Porter, 1998b: ...
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