Project Management

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Project Management for Business

Table of Contents

Abstract/Executive Summary3

Task 1: Understand project management principles4

Task 1.1 Background of Project Management4

Task 1.2 Viability Of A Project & NPV Method4

Task 1.3 PRINCE2 methodology6

Task 1.4 Project termination & post- project appraisal6

Task 2: Be able to manage a project's human resources8

Task 2.1 Organisational Structure Of The Palm Island Jumeirah Project8

Task 2.2 Measures Taken To Control and Coordinate The Project9

Task 2.3 Project Leadership Requirements and Qualities10

Task 2.4 Human Resources and Requirements10

Task 3: Be able to apply project processes and procedures12

Task 3.1 Project Plans12

Task 3.2 Project Schedule & Estimation technique13

Task 3.3 Methods Used To Measure Project Performance14

Task 3.4 Project Change Control Procedures14




Abstract/Executive Summary

Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project. A project organization will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. Frequently called the eighth wonder of the world, the Palm Islands of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates are the world's largest artificial islands, each manmade into the shape of a palm tree. The project took just four years to complete and each island required nearly 12 million pounds of rock and more than 53 million pounds of sand from the ocean floor to construct.This paper is based on a project case study of the Palm Islands.

Project Management for Business

Task 1: Understand project management principles

Task 1.1 Background of Project Management

Project management aims to address these challenges by implementing organization and planning of all activities to ensure the achievement of project objectives (quality, cost, time), track them, anticipate to implement changes and risks, decide and communicate. (Kerzner, 2009: 149-151). What we call project management could be just a collection of various recipes suitable for many situations. It is true that according to the trades and contexts, we define project objects that often have nothing in common: the construction of a factory, the launch of a new product, software design, the choice political or social (Martin, 2010: 235). Project management today can no longer be limited to operational aspects, especially with regard to the projects. It is now to prepare well in advance to be sure to choose / make "good projects" - a prerequisite for success. The tertiary sector includes several types of projects (software development, maintenance, evolution major / minor) arising continuously among CIOs. They have the characteristic of being relatively short and numerous. Then inevitably arise the following questions: - Should the project? - Can we achieve depending on the annual budget, the workload, the gains and risks? the business strategy? - When should we start? - This project is it a priority? All this early phase of preparation, the most important fact, which is summarized in idea and project selection is part of the strategic project management. The difficulty in the conduct of the project lies largely in the multiplicity of actors that mobilized. In contrast to personal projects or projects to small scale house where the need and the answer to this need can be done by the same person or by a ...
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