Project Management

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Project Management of Hamza BioDiesel

Project Management of Hamza BioDiesel


(a) With reference to the network diagram in Appendix A.

(i) Construction of a network diagram for identifying the following:

Earliest Start Time(EST)

Earliest Start Time refers to the time which is required to complete all the pre-requisite tasks which are necessary to start a project (Meredith & Mantel 2012, P. 42). The Earliest Start Time which is identified by the network diagram is 19 weeks.

Latest Finish Time (LFT)

Latest Finish Time refers to the time by which a part of the project is done. This is basically the time period which is required to test the product and the project before it finally begins (Choudhury 1988, P. 28). Latest Finish Time which is identified by the network diagram is 32 weeks

Total Float on each activities D & F

Float time refers to the time which is required to start the second step after one step is completed (Field & Keller 1998, P.52). Total float on activity D is one week and on activity F is two weeks. The float time here for D is between C and D and for F it is between E and F.

Critical Path for the project

Critical path for the project refers to the longest period of time which is required by the project keeping in view the necessaries activities and interdependencies. The critical path for the project is from adopting path to user testing. If any of the process is delayed, whole project will be affected (Field & Keller 1998, P.52).

(ii) Assume that there is a delay of five weeks in completing activity F. Analyse one action that the Project Manager could take to avoid exceeding the current length of the critical path.

In case if the activity F delayed for 5 weeks then H and J can be conducted side by side and K and L will be conducted side by side in order to manage the time properly.

(b)Discuss the most important factors that the management consultants might have considered before choosing the locations for the three new sites.

For a project manager it is very important to analyse the time and financial cost which will be resulted in choosing the site. In case if the site is cheaper but the transportation from one site to another is more and it consume lot of time the site should not be rented or purchased (Field & Keller 1998, P.52).

2.Can the project be completed within the budget? If not, how can Hamza BioDiesel raise additional capital?

Yes the project can be completed within the budget as the amounts which are allocated to various activities seem to be somehow reasonable. In case if the company find shortage they can ask for loan from a local bank that offers low interest rate. The company can lack in budget if they have to utilize its resources at maximum capacity. As in order to operate at maximum capacity the company has to hire more staff, provide them with appropriate training and of course more raw materials ...
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