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Program Evaluation

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Program Evaluation

Types of evaluation

The evaluation aspect in the program assessment contains several form and types and thus one or more than one methods can be chosen based on the criteria devised by the program managers. The aims of the specific program need to be studied well in advance in order to successfully apply the evaluation criteria and the evaluation methods.

Process evaluation

The process evaluation method is quite significant in the context of program evaluation since the different processes in the program need to be assessed in a rigorous manner. It is necessary to ascertain whether the activities are going as planned and thus an appropriate mechanism needs to be devised for accomplishing this criterion. A list of indicators needs to be assessed that rely on the aims of the program. Without the aims of the program, the process evaluation cannot be performed in a comprehensive manner.

The indicators chosen would be applied in the true contexts for successfully ascertaining the program efficiency. The major strengths and weaknesses in the case of program intricacies must be performed in a diligent manner. For instance in the case of a media campaign, the aims are to reduce the excessive driving and drinking, a process evaluation can ask different types of questions related to the program (Vedung, 2008).

Impact Assessment

The process of impact assessment ascertains whether the program has been able to bring about drastic changes or not. It is very necessary to ascertain whether the program has been able to initiate changes. The changes can be successfully applied in the wider context for successfully accomplishing the aims of program. This will verify if the program has achieved a change. The effect, or program impact, alludes to a change in the target populace that has been achieved by the program - that ...
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