Professional Responsibility And Legal Ethics

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Professional responsibility and legal ethics

Professional responsibility and legal ethics


The sensitive case has been discussed in legal ethics and professional responsibility; that the profession is no longer served through this view. It is argued that the new and systematic approach to the subject is demanded through the demographic shifts among those who criticize it and the profound changes in the way in which law is practiced. This can be clearly understood that the subject must approach to stress personal responsibility over professional responsibility. This paper is an approach to define legal ethics and professional responsibility for the profession of law (Wise, 1970).


An ethical code encompassed by the legal ethics in the legal sector which governs the conduct of persons in the practice of law. In United States, the primarily values can be applied to lawyers by understanding legal ethics. Legal misconduct occurs whenever an individual or the business violates any applicable code of ethics.


The issue is about a case law which deals in business transactions. Professional responsibility and legal ethics are discussed with respect to this case. Andrew and Dave are the business professionals making a business transaction for shoe Leonard's. Professional ethics means morality; rules of conduct in use in the workplace have a sense of responsibility and values. Professional responsibility in legal terms, meant to be responsible, accountable for their actions in the workplace. If there is fault, it may be due to superiors. Consequences of one fault: court appearance for accidents that occurred during inappropriate delegation (delegation of someone unskilled). The application of ethical standards is essential today in the everyday man, but especially those developed by the jurist, which although has a humanistic profession with high ethical values such as justice, fairness, loyalty, truth and legal certainty (ABA compendium of ...
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