Professional Nursing Journal Summary iom Report 2010, The Future Of Nursing: Leading Change Advancing Health

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Professional Nursing Journal Summary

IOM Report 2010, the Future of Nursing: Leading Change Advancing Health

Professional Nursing Journal Summary

IOM Report 2010, the Future of Nursing: Leading Change Advancing Health


21st century comprises of a number of complex health problems including obesity in children, the risk of influenza and other serious diseases. The purpose of IOM is to offering advices on a national level on problems in relation to health, biomedical science and medicine. However, the mission is to serve as an advisor for the health improvement across the nation. In the report, we will explore the roles, responsibilities and education of nurse, which needs changing in order to cope with increase health care demand and advance improvement in United State's complex healthcare system.


The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Education

Education is very important in any flied you enter. Basic education has the task to lead to learning, to promote further learning and improve in problem solving. NCLEX-RN test is a professional license for being a registered nurse, which accepted everywhere in the world. Only graduates of the nursing fields allowed taking the test. A controversy exist in preparation of RN test and some people believe that BSN should only be the test prerequisite for RN and ADN graduates should be given the license of specialized nurses (Berkowitz, Edward, 1998, pp. 7). BSN (Bachelors of Science in Nursing) is a four-year degree program. The BSN students awarded a professional degree for nursing, along with the practical relevant experience. It prepares a nurse from the theoretical as well as from the practical point of view of the subject. The first two years are the theoretical studies in which student provided with general education about their subject and given the broad array about the field, they should choose. They have many courses, which prepares the ...
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