Professional Faith

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Professional Faith

Professional Faith


Values and ethics are central to any practice of nursing: A nurse administratoris a registered nurse who orchestrates and influence the work of others in a defined environment (ANA, 2009, p3). What precisely do we signify faith and values in the practice of a nurse administrator? What I will discuss is the transformation of my faith into my personal values in life and how this inspires me into my role as a nurse administrator. I will first discuss my personal faith journeys that strengthen my faith and values; second, I will identify and reflect on the current values that are important to me now and those values that I will continue to pursue into the arena of a nurse administrator; and third, I will discuss my personal faith and values statement as a nurse administrator.

My Personal Faith Journeys

I am raised by a devout family. My mother influences me to adopt a healthy attitude in life. She informs me that God allows us to make a choice and I must be careful on my choices. She emphasized that my heart and conscious will guide me to choose the right decision. She taught me significant values in my life. Her center of life is love of God and love of her family. Our family believes that God created the universe. As mentioned in the book of Doorbos “We Christians affirm that all things have been created through Christ who is the Lord of all. This verse helps me to have a brighter attitude in life and to grow as a caring, loving and compassionate with people and the nature that surrounds me. I developed a solid faith foundation in my childhood and this will continues to be strong in my life.

When I graduated from high school in 1976, everyone thought that I will be an Engineer or an accountant. I always excel in mathematics subject and nobody thought that I will be a nurse. I don't even dream of becoming a nurse. I remembered went with my high school classmates to enroll in college. Most of my friends had enrolled in nursing. I became fearful to be separated from the rest of my friends and classmates. I ended in enrolling in a nursing school. My parents were so surprised to hear that I am enrolled to nursing but as usual my parents had always been so supportive of my choice of career. Later on in life as I finished and started working as a nurse I realized that I enjoy and love it. I deal with human being. This reminded me of my mother's belief that we were born with destiny in life. Probably God wants me to use and share my genuine caring attitude to humanity.

My parents believe that you have to give your best in every step of the way to be satisfied and live with no regrets in life. I thought I was following this creed not until April ...
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