Professional Development Portfolio

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Professional Development Portfolio

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Professional Development Portfolio


The profession and practice of nursing is appreciated and well rewarded in Australia when compared to other countries in the region. People and community of Australia realize the importance of this profession and how they can help in treatment of different people belonging to different areas, community and age groups. According to Snowman, Biehler, (2006) when it comes to saving the lives of those living in remote areas of Australia, nurses can play a vital role in saving the lives of many helpless and poor people by providing them with the right type of diagnosis and treatment.


Professional Practice

The Queensland Nursing Council (2010) defines “the scope of practice is that which nurses and midwives are educated, competent and authorized to perform. The actual scope of an individual nurse's or midwives practice is influenced by the context in which they practice, client's health needs, level of competence, education and qualifications of the individual nurse or midwife, and service provider's policies”.

Schluter et. al., (2011) emphasizes negotiation as an essential feature of nursing practice provided the range of nursing care providers presently engaged in acute care settings. Nurses has been allowed by negotiation to delimitate nurse-patient proximity appropriately, support patient safety and get innovative means of working in nursing teams.

In Australia, there are a few standards and criteria(s) that are to be followed for every nurse in Australia and the standards and such criteria are important to work for the ethical and national law frame work. For the quality care and safety of Australian people, there is a realistic framework of practices, which is famous for its work and is called as the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC). They must act according to the code of professional conduct as presented by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council. They must practice in a safe environment, following the law and ethics that are relevant to the profession (Wong, 2003). Additionally, they must take provide with safe cultural environment by taking care of client's cultural values, beliefs, and socioeconomic background. They must take care of the confidential information and secrecy of the client (Australian Nosing & Midwifery Council, 2003). Another very important code of ethic is to provide patients with impartial and unbiased information in relation to the medicine and treatment and offer the best possible treatment on the basis of their knowledge, experience and health care products (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). Queensland Nursing Council, (2004) states that clients must be able to make informed decisions with regard to their illness and it is the job of the nurse to give them complete and correct information in relation to their condition and its treatment.

Nurses' efficiency in attaining the results for which they are answerable is inextricably connected to the level to which they can apply control over the deliverance of care for which they are liable (Hoffart and Woods 1996). The nurses' needs are generally addressed by professional practice models for autonomy and responsibility and are deemed important to nurses' organizational ...
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