The Reciprocal Impact between the London Stock Market and UK real estate market
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction3
Outline of the paper3
Background of the study3
Problem Statement4
Aims & objectives6
Chapter 2: Literature Review6
Chapter 3: Methodology10
Research design10
Sample frame10
Methods of Data collection11
Data Analysis12
Limitations of the study13
Ethical/ Professional Issues14
Research Timetable14
Chapter 1: Introduction
Outline of the paper
This research focuses on the various aspects of reciprocal impact between London stock market And UK real estate markets and comprises of the following chapters:
(2)Literature Review
(4)Results and Discussion
Background of the study
Investment generally entails the commitment of a lump sum now for future streams of income flow and/or for capital appreciation. Puts in a different context, it is an acquisition of an asset by an individual or institution with a view to earning returns, either through its income or capital gains. In investment market, investors are generally faced with numerous alternative investments where fund could be ejected. These include stocks and shares, bonds, unit trusts, bank deposit and landed property. This diversity eventually creates the problem of choice, which according to Hargitay and Yu (2003) is one of the fundamental problems of investment decision-making. This requires investors to choose from myriad of opportunities that differs not only in the amount of required initial capital outlay, but also in the timing and amount of expected future flows and the degree of confidence that can be placed in the expectations. The choices are expected to take into consideration the characteristics of the various assets and the linkages among them (Hoesli and MacGregor, 2000) since investment funds will only flow to the sectors that promise the most attractive return in the light of expected risks and returns trade off.
The implication of the foregoing is that investors usually have to reckon with the problem of choice, which requires the establishment of criteria and rational basis for assessing the desirability or otherwise of the acquisition of an individual investment proposition. Success, in this regard, is most dependent upon finding strategically appropriate investment opportunities and being able to accurately forecast their past performance. Such forecasting must also consider the performance of the investment media relatives to other similar assets and to different types of investment assets (Hargitay and Yu, 2003; Hwa, 2002).
Problem Statement
In the past, property investment decisions, based on the foregoing, was majorly an acquisition of direct investment in real property through private market that consists of buildings owned and managed by investors or their agents. But, with the development of the new financing arrangements for UK real estate in the capital markets, investors now have the opportunity to include property in a diversified portfolio by acquiring a security backed by direct real estate investment through public markets.
However, it has been argued that for UK real estate securities to be reasonable substitute for direct real estate investment, they should provide investment characteristics similar to those of direct investment. These, according to Kapplan and Schwartz (2005) are assumed to be competitive return/risk relationships, hedge against inflation and low correlations with the security markets returns over ...