Problems Of Stereotyping

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Problems of Stereotyping

Problems of Stereotyping


Stereotype is a trite image with few details about a group of people who share certain qualities, characteristics and skills. There is acceptance of most of the quintessential or model or behavioral qualities. The term stereotype can be used in a negative sense, considering that stereotypes are irrational beliefs that limit creativity and, that can only be changed through education. Stereotyping can also be called as a discriminatory behavior.

According to Cardwell (1996), Saul McLeod, published 2008, “...a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.” The term is often used in a negative sense, considering that stereotypes are irrational beliefs that limit creativity and, that can only be changed through education.

The most common stereotypes of the past included a variety of allegations about various racial groups and predictions of behavior based on social status or wealth. They consist of ideas, prejudices, attitudes, beliefs and preconceived opinions, imposed by the social and cultural environment that apply to all persons belonging to a category, nationality, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual preference, geographic origin, etc. In literature and, art stereotypes are clichés or predictable characters or situations. For example, a devil is vicious stereotype, with horns, tail and trident.

Originally a stereotype was an impression taken from a cast of lead used in print instead of the actual type. This use resulted in a metaphor about a set of preconceived ideas they could take from one place to another without changes (as was possible with the portable type).


When defining stereotype, it is important to understand that characterizing a group of individuals on the basis of a certain characteristic trait present in them is necessary. Any example can be commonly used upon the basis of their skin color, sex, and ethnicity. Considering an example of African Americans, they are better athletes than the rest of the American population is a widespread assumption. This is considered as stereotyping, since a race is being characterized on the basis of certain ability they have. Another example of stereotyping is the gender stereotyping, where in most communities, it is believed that men are the backbone of the society whereas, the women are considered to be the weaker species. In a cross culture society, the major stereotyping that is done is on the basis of a set of individuals belonging to a sect which might be religiously different. For example, in a Christian society, Muslims are considered to be terrorists or that Jews are supposed to be greedy and shrewd in term of money. Stereotyping a group of people shows the general perception that a community has towards these individuals. For example, grouping; black clothes, black makeup and a general attitude of hatred towards the society as Goths. Another example of stereotyping relates to blondes as unintelligent. It is very easy to stereotype anyone with a different background, whether it is in terms of sex, religion, ethnicity or any other ground but, the negative impact that it leaves on a person who is being ...
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