Problem Solving

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Effective use of Problem Solving in the Workplace

Effective use of Problem Solving in the Workplace

Problem in the Workplace

A problem in the workplace is a concern or complaint you may have in connection with any aspect of your work. There are also terms "claim", "conflict" and "dispute". The term "problem" more general sub- it also means that many questions may relate to difficulties Relational and be resolved without resorting to formal procedures. Problems can keep your relationship with your supervisor, your colleagues, people you assume supervision or management or the "Bureau" to broad sense. You may have a problem with your supervisor. It may be your workload (too heavy or too light), of excessive intervention in your activities, lack of communication, insufficient support, bullying or cultural misunderstandings that can happen in a multicultural organization. You may experience difficulties with your colleagues (Treffinger et al, 2006). These can be comments in your back, criticize your work, you exclude discussions or harass you. You may have problems with the staff which you assume supervision or management. 

Causes of Problem

Problems arise for different reasons. Some employees may be unhappy because they think that others do not behave correctly towards them, they are allocated more work, and their efforts are not sufficiently appreciated. It is difficult to avoid conflict situations in the workplace, because regardless of the number of formal methods and the descriptions of responsibilities for each employee, their interpretation is not always clear-cut, and over time there are new problems to solve (Roth et al, 2004). They regard their colleagues as incompetent or have the impression that is given to the less attention than they deserve. The result of this frustration will be seen to stop cooperation with another employee - do not respond to his greeting, slamming doors when leaving your job, do not read e-mails from a friend, etc. This will be the beginning of a situation which may change at any time in the open conflict. 

Problem Solving

Whatever the problem, we try to define it in order to solve it. Its analysis may not be simple because of the subjective feelings can distort perceptions things. Try to identify both the problem and people concerned. Aid is possible to define the problem in any of the procedures informal explained below (Levine, 2002). Do not keep problems to yourself. It is normal not to feel comfortable and not want to talk to one third of a negative situation in the workplace working. It should however be aware that the longer you let the problems continue, the more you increased risk of negative impact on your work, your colleagues and your own welfare.

Try to resolve problems informally with your manager hierarchical and relevant colleagues as appropriate. This solution has benefits for all parties, especially when there are close working relationships between colleagues or supervisor and the employee concerned. This approach allows Also find quick solutions to the point where the problem occurred (Higgins, 2006). If a problem cannot be resolved through the discussion with your manager hierarchical or through dialogue with colleagues, try to solve ...
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