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Pros and Cons of Adult Stem Cells and Embryonic Stem Cells


This paper discusses over the pros and cons between Adult stem cells and Embryonic stem cells. The paper also discusses over how these differences among the pros and cons exist, firstly describing about what Stem cells firstly is, where do the stems cells research come from, and the pros and cons of stems cell research embryonic cells. This portion of the report will mainly discuss over the pros and cons as well the controversy between two different ideological or school of thoughts in terms of supporting or opposing the biological development of embryonic cells (Cowan, p.1355) (Balanced, 104).

Discussion and Analysis

The pros and cons have recently been in the lime light of the media presses recently reflecting towards their controversy over the pros and cons of stem cell research. The main controversy has been mainly on the stems' comparison with other distinguished or unique cells. One of the specialties of stem cells is its capability to expand and convert into any type of cell. As an example, a neural cell of the brain and the spinal cord which are either damaged and require substitution, are replaced by stem cells. Another example can be exemplified in terms of treating over cancer; the cancer cells are destroyed by applying radiation or chemotherapy. However, it has been recently discovered that this process can now be substituted by adding new healthy stem cells that acclimatize to the pretentious region of the body; either it be the heart, liver, lungs, kidney, brain nervous systems or any other effected part of the human body. Any kind of inactive cells that are present can now be substituted with active cells. This is an achievement after development of stem cells in the form of replacement. This has led to bill $s being dispensed over this biological area (Balanced, 104).

It is important, first, to comprehend the pros and cons of stem cell research in terms of where these stem cells arise from. There are three major forms of deriving stem cells: the adult cells, the cord cells, and the embryonic cells. This comprehension is very much supportive as it resolves and answers many different types of questions with which it provides suggestions.

The adult cells are taken out from the bones or from the peripheral system of the body. Bone marrow is a wealthy basis of stem cells, however, some excruciating annihilation of the bone marrow domino effect from this modus operandi. Peripheral stem cells are taken out devoid of damaging any part of the bones; however the progression acquires excess time. Adult stem cells are superior when compared with both umbilical stem cells as well as embryonic stem cells. These two forms of stem cells i.e. umbilical stem cells and embryonic stem cells are larger in numbers. The number of DNA exactly equalizes its presence; hence the immune system of the body refuses to accept them. Stem cells extracted from the umbilical stem cells become a vital basis of stem cells ...
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