Introduction Abortion is a topic which has become the common focus of diverse and influential debate in various societies, especially in U.S. One of the most confrontational topics argued is whether or not abortion is morally ethical. More than 40% of all women will terminate the pregnancy by abortion at some point in their reproductive lives. In spite of disagreement between many people, abortion is one of most widespread medical procedures pre-formed in United States every year. Even though abortion is opposed by many people, it should stay legal, because it is the right of women to control herself or her body (Swomley, 1991).Pre-choice Abortion Abortion controversy can be broken down into two groups; those who oppose abortion and call themselves pro-life, and those who support abortion rights and consider themselves pro-choice. In 1916, first family planning and birth control center in United States was opened by Margaret Sanger. Around forty years back in 1973, the Supreme Court of U.S lined abortion legal during early stages of pregnancy to protect potential life in later stages, during case of Roe vs. Wade, regardless of court's ruling, abortion protests have grown from sidewalk picketing to clinic blockades, harassment of clinic workers and patients, vandalism, and even bombing, in past thirty years. A fertilized ovum is less than thickness of one human hair; it cannot be contemplated as the "baby". Thought upon by many people of humankind, it is outrageous to pretend that aborting the zygote or embryo is same as "killing the baby", as pro-life movement emphasizes (Bettencourt, 1991). One of biggest arguments regarding issue of abortion is whether or not life begins at conception. Aborting an "unborn baby" is the misuse of words. "A baby is the one-by-one who has currently been born" (Zindler 25). Embryos, fetuses, and zygotes are not considered unborn children; they must have the personality in order to be human. Many declare that the zygote is the person because it has forty-six chromosomes, yet that only makes it the potential human. "Most cells in body have forty-six chromosomes, but that does not make the white corpuscle the person!" (Zindler, 29). Just because the zygote has same number of chromosomes that live humans have, it doesn't mean that they are humans yet. Everyone may have different beliefs as to when life begins but, as the fact, it does not begin at conception (Regas, 1991). Many religions contain traditions which involve opinions on abortion, and these outlooks generally scope from rejection to acceptance. The Bible clearly states that human life begins at birth with breathing. In Genesis 2, "breathed into his nostrils breath of life and man became the dwelling being". In addition, "According to King James version of Bible, it does not condemn abortion or call it 'murder'" (Zindler 26). The 1954 edition of Codex Juris Canonici (Latin Manual of Church Law) states that Modern Roman Catholic Church admits not every conception is the person: "When in doubt as to whether one or more are ...