Private And Public Policing

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Public and Private Policing To the Securing Of Social Order in Society

Public and Private Policing To the Securing Of Social Order in Society


The existence of crime in our society is as early as the human life survival is affirmed. Initially in the past it was solely the responsibility of the public policing to protect the life, rights and property of the people of the society. Recently, there has been a theatrical shift in the nature and dimension of the security responsibility and the shifts has moved the social security responsibility to the private sector. The recent shift towards civilianization and privatization in policing has added officials to go hand in hand with the public policing system. Private official's officers along with the police officers of the law enforcing agencies are working together either full time or part time to safeguard the society and its valuable assets. The recent shift in the security system has made our society much safer than it was a generation ago. There has been a significant drop in the crime rates since 1980 by an estimate of up to 80% diminution in the common crimes.

Public Policing System and Social Security

To sustain the economic, social and political development of the society and provide fundamental security to the people and their livelihood from the violence, the department of police is developed by the law enforcing agencies of the country. To determine how well the security governing agencies are performing the social security of the society is analyzed. In a country, the police department of the state is empowered with the responsibility to enforce the law and order and constitute the proper regulation of these laws to protect the people their property and maintain the civil disorder conditions. Often to maintain and sustain the law and order situation within the country the department is empowered with legitimize use of force and power (Limbaugh, 2010, p.1). The department of police in a state is further divided according to the legal and territorial area to monitor the law and order continuously. Hence the law enforcement agencies of police department are abide with an array of activities and among them the predominant ones are the preservation of law and order situation in the society.

The Realities of Police Department and their policing

The department of police in reality is considered the most efficient department in preserving the law and order condition of the society. In completing their responsibility the department is abide with many tasks. In abiding their confide responsibility the department come across many complexities and obstacles but through constructive rules and policies the department has by far manage to control the society and its law and order condition to a limit (Cook and MacDonald, 2011, p.1).

One major aspect of policing is that the work of policing is quite ambiguous in comparison to the work of other department of the government and often while complying with their work the police officer of the state are exposed ...
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