Principles Of Health And Social Care

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Principles of Health and Social Care

Principles of Health and Social Care


Health care is one of the most important sectors that exist around the globe. The role of health care organizations is to ensure that patients are provided with quality care services in order to enable to live long and healthy life. The most important aspect of health care sector is that it is directly related with the lives of patients. A small mistake of ineffective health care organization can lead to potential harm to the lives of patients.

Public Policy has been acquiring new dimensions to attempt for acquiring the status of a discipline. These policies form a significant component in several disciplinary categories such as the public administration and management. The academic growth of public policy worries many researchers and teachers for the increasing complexions in it (Smith, L.B., 2003).


The health care providers under federal regulations are defined as: the institutions (the nursing homes, hospitals, and primary care centres pharmaceutical companies) and the individuals include the physicians, clinical psychologist, nurses, midwives, and clinical social workers, which have state authorization to practice health services. The healthcare system is considered to provide all possible healthcare services and facilities to patient's coming to hospital i.e. inpatient and outpatient. According to the WHO, the health care system is the one that incorporates all activities prime for restoration, promotion and the maintenance patient's health through the health care caregivers and workers within organization, community and health policy environment (Kotler P., Shalowitz J., & Stevens R. J., 2008).

While providing health care services, it is very important for the health care settings to adopt person-cantered approach in their practices. This is very critical in helping persons with disabilities to recover from their diseases and injuries more quickly. While adopting such approach, health care settings improve their quality of services that are being provided to the people and ultimately achieve best possible outcomes. This involves helping the individuals in providing support for the activities which they remain unable to perform due to their disabilities. It not only helps in improving the quality of life of patients but it also build a strong relationship between health care setting and the society (Gruskin, Mills, & Tarantola, 2007). Apart from health care settings approach of person-cantered, the family, friends and society are also responsible in providing better care to those individuals. They need to work in coordination with the health care setting to ensure that patients are receiving appropriate attention and care.

Principle of Support

Primary health care (PHC) is a level of care that offers an entry in the health care system to solve needs and problems; provides care to individuals (rather than to a disease); provides care to all diseases except for those very uncommon and rare; and coordinates or integrates care provided by other places or by other people.

All the problems faced by health services show the need to invest in primary care; the Ministry of Health has, to some extent, included it in the public health policies with ...
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