Principle Of Personal And Organizational Skills

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Principle of Personal and Organizational Skills

Principle of Personal and Organizational Skills


As the CEO of the major consumer technology corporation, it is important to fill the vacancy of the company's president, who has the required leadership qualities. The past president has retired after serving for 25 years and now a suitable candidate has to be chosen in order to serve as the president of the corporation. The criteria for choosing the new president will be discussed in the meeting with the board of directors. The purpose of the study is to determine the leader and the qualities a leader should consist. The importance of an effective leader will also be highlighted.


The consumer Technology Corporation operates globally and distributes the products through various global wholesalers to reach the retailers, and retailers then sell to the potential customers. The company also offers remote employment in addition to numerous physical locations. To lead this major company, an effective leader is to be acquired. In order to do so, one should know what an effective leader is.

Leader and its traits

An effective leader is the one who is able to influence others to achieve the shared objectives of the organization while satisfying those who were involved (Cooper, 2012). The one who can make change happen is the true leader. Although no definite definition has yet been derived for an effective leader that has guaranteed consensus but the one who has the ability to implement change along with the workers satisfaction is widely accepted as an efficient leader. For one to become an effective leader, he should develop a balance between power, behavior, traits and abilities (Vojta 2012). It includes one to have the conviction, maturity and expertise that converts it into the direction and purpose. This certainty of vision gives the leader the assurance to exhibit the role of penetrating self esteem, motivation and teamwork. There are some traits of the leader which makes one the leader. They are discussed below

Clarity of Vision

The business will face varying situations and if the leader is not clear with the vision, he will not be able to lead effectively. One should be able to communicate the ideas indubitably and commit themselves to the result in any situation for that matter. The vision that is formulated should consistently reinforced so that the employees have the same direction to achieve the shared goals (Daniel, 2000). However, if the leader is unable to gain the commitment of the workers, which is one of the major tasks to accomplish the goals, it will greatly affect the ability to achieve success.

Building Relations

To gain the commitment of the employees in order to accomplish the objectives, the leader should build trust with employees. By boosting up the self esteem in the workers while sustaining the degree of integrity, the leaders are able to create relations with their sub ordinates. It will make easier for an idea to transform into reality if employees have the consensus. Thus, the trait of developing cooperative relations with the employees will create ...
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