Role Of Personality And Physchometric Testing In Recruitment Process
The purpose of this study is to analyze the the role of personality and physchometric testing in recruitment process of an organization.Human resource management consists of the affinity, selection, keeping, utilization, motivation, paying, and disciplining of employees in organizations—in short, the management of persons at work. During the last 100 years or so, deep shifts have appeared in the industrial blend of the finances, the environment and span of affray, and the types of work that employees perform. In specific, financial undertaking has shifted from agriculture to constructing and from constructing to services, with more and more employees accomplishing somewhat higher grade analytical, professional, and mechanical work, and less employees accomplishing somewhat low-level, low-skill, and manual work. In the awaken of these shifts, it has become widespread for businesses to assertion that they (increasingly) contend based on thoughtful or human capital other than physical capital or “hard” assets .
Numerous decisions are needed of employers throughout the recruitment process. Principal amidst these decisions is the issue of source. Recruitment for jobs other than application grade can be strictly interior to the association or may also engage seeking applicants from outside the organization. Promotion from inside is the general principle for numerous organizations, whereas other organizations favour seeking “new blood” for numerous positions. Whenever external recruitment is engaged, decisions must be made considering what external sources to use. Some of the widespread sources for external applicants encompass colleges and schools; professional or trade organizations; worker referral programs; walk-in applicants; direct advertising through newspapers, journals, the Internet, and other media; paid work agencies; and Internet-based employing services. Often the alternative of source is associated with the environment or grade of the job. Care must be exercised when choosing sources, because distinct demographic groups use distinct sources at distinct rates. Using the very restricted source or sources may result in accidental adverse influence on the assembly of prospective applicants
Table Of Content
Chapter 1 : Introduction8
Purpose of Study8
Research Question9
What is the role of personality and physchometric testing in recruitment process ?9
Chapter 2: Literature Review11
Number And Quality Of Applicant Pool12
Identification Of Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities13
Content Of Selection Instruments14
Application Form14
Cognitive Ability Tests16
Work Samples17
Assessment Centers18
Personality and Integrity Tests19
Psychometric Properties Of Selection Instruments20
Legal Issues21
Technological Development23
Value of Selection24
Critical Commentary27
Role OF Personality30
Research On Personality And Group Performance33
The Five-Factor Form And Applicable Measures35
Relevant Findings On Personality And Group Performance36
Heterogeneity and group performance43
Heterogeneity of personality and group performance48