Primary Health Care In Action

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Primary Health in Action

Primary Health in Action

Q1. The DVD shows deportment designed as health promotion initiative for young indigenous girls in NSW, identify and discuss a minimum of 2 health promotion interventions used in this program.


The main aim of this act was to improve the mental health status of the indigenous youth of Australia. Two health promotion interventions, which grabbed my interest, were,

The Bush Tuckers café by the indigenous students

Lola foster's self-belief and reshaping the confidence therapy

The aborigines' youth is facing the racism in Australia from ages. As according to report, the current unemployment rate for this youth is 31%. This high rate of unemployment and negligence, the rate of drug abuse and suicide is raising alarmingly in these children.

The Bush Tuckers café is unique because it was run within the school by the indigenous students. These students, in this way, were provided with a job. As Jonathon Jauncey, who runs a non-profit organization reports, that the aborigines population is the growing population in Australia. Around 50 to 70 percent of this population is under the age of 25 (Dingle, S., 2010). This shows that a large number of people are unemployed. The programs, like Bush Tucker programs, give employment satisfaction and build up self-belief in this indigenous youth.

Lola foster is for sure a big motivation in this program. The aborigines' woman has herself been a role model for the under confident teens. She tried to shatter the fear of failure in these girls. By arranging the catwalk, she tried to give them the confidence that they are not ugly and tried to build fearlessness in these girls.

Q2. With reference from a health promotion program for the indigenous girls from the DVD, Explain the primary health care principles on which health promotion interventions in the program based. Give one or more examples from the DVD to support your explanation.


The primary health care program in this video has been based on the health promotions including mental health and addictions, giving primary health education and human resource, improving the community engagement and increasing the employment percentage in the young aborigine's girls. There were different tips and techniques taught, in order to build up their confidence on being a native and increase the employment graph.

The example of this program is the Brenda Philips education on self presentation. Brenda provided the girls with basic concepts of presenting themselves in an acceptable ...
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