President Obama's Inaugural Address

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President Obama's Inaugural Address

President Obama's Inaugural Address


President Barak Obama, elected a second time as a president of America, shows that color does not matter what matters is the good presidency ship by the president. He addressed to the Americans at the inauguration on January 21th 2013. The theme of the inauguration was Faith in America's future.

In his second inaugural speech, he referred the domestic policies and the social issues of the country. It was not less than a surprise that his speech did not say much about the foreign policies except of a paragraph. He suggested form laws that could help in combating the environmental challenges, immigration reforms and control on ammunition.


In the inauguration ceremony, President Barak Obama, addressed to the nation while highlighting on the main objectives he wished to work at on priority basis. Amongst them were combating against challenges that occurred due to the climatic changes, and control on the guns and ammunition. He is of the view that much could be done on the immigration reforms. While addressing his speech, he emphasized that equal rights must be given to every individual of the country. He was of the view that everyone must enjoy the human and civil rights in the country. The President speech clearly showed his worldview over the issues and strategies that could help in a better development of the nations.

He stressed upon equal human and civil rights of the people of America and that every citizen has the right to enjoy freedom irrespective of him being born to a poor family or a rich. He defended liberalism at various points of his speech. The prominent policy in the overall speech of his was about the climate change policy. Many other policies were highlighted too. The overall speech was different from the regular inaugural speeches made by previous presidents. The present speech was in many a ways was different from the previous inaugural speech.

The future of citizens

The speech included the ways and strategies that could help the government redefine the school reforms and facilitate in empowering the citizens with skills that would be required to work hard and learn more. The contribution of each and every citizen made towards the country would be awarded (New York Times, 2013).

The Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy is an eminent issue on the State level that helps strengthens the relation between the countries. Obama's inaugural speech had little to talk about the foreign policy, but the depth of that little information shows the diverse assertion of Obama's strategy of strengthening US relations with other states particularly Asian countries. He emphasized on strengthening and improving the foreign relation with countries, using diplomatic approach, that would not instigate fear and suspicious in their approach. He admits that diplomatic strategy needs to be used instead of taking military approach as a support unless needed. According to the matter discussed in the speech, Obama is of view that America would support the countries and help them resolve their issues.

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