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Presentation Of Sexuality In Media

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Presentation of Sexuality in Media


The presentation of men and women's sexuality is a topic of great debate in modern media. Social scientists are always interested in issues relating to the depiction of sexuality and their relationship in cultures. This paper attempts to explore the gender stereotypes created by the media and how they affect the general population. It also attempts to point out the different cultural aspects of sexuality that are acceptable in different parts of the world. A field research would be conducted to identify the cultural variables, assess discrimination of women in workplace and the increased portrayal of women in Media and how it affects the culture of a society. A thorough analysis of the American society would be done in comparison to other cultures. Also, interviews would be conducted from people based on their ethnic backgrounds to determine the impact of women's role in the society, their portrayal in media and gender discrimination.

Table of Contents





Impact of Media on Sexuality3

Development of Gender and Sexual Stereotypes4

Participants of the Research5

Cultural Aspects of Sexuality6

Discrimination among Women in Workplace6

Sexual Stereotypes of Males and Females7

Popularly Held Stereotypes8

Analysis of the Research9



Presentation of Sexuality in Media


The presentation of sexuality in media has changed drastically over the years. Due to commercialization, the portrayal of sexuality has become more enhanced over the years. The cultural heritage, values and traditions do play a vital role in determining the level of sexuality in media. The American society is one of the most advanced and diversified populations in the world. Today, media plays a vital role in shaping people's perceptions and setting the norms of the society. Hence, a society's struggle to maintain their cultural heritage and identity becomes increasingly difficult with today's fast paced world (Halsey, 2010, pp. 34).

Also, the prime negative affects to the society often attributed to media include the gender based discrimination in society, stereotypes and the ill intentioned portrayal of women and men as sexual objects (Jeabek, 2007, pp.229). When catering to a multi-ethnic society; many elements need to be kept in mind in order to achieve their approval. In our research, we would be looking at the different variables that add to the depiction of sexuality (especially female) in media and sex roles in different cultures or social groups.


In our ethnographic research, we interviewed University students and asked them about their opinions of the depiction of sexuality in media and the cultural variables involved in assessing what is acceptable and what is not. The research was conducted in the field i.e. approaching University students at their campuses and asking them questions.


Sexuality is defined as the sexual behavior or simply sex. It indicates to sexual behaviors that can be desires, erotic, practices relating to sex, and sexual relationships. Also, it underpins social institutes, kinships, and living arrangements. In addition, sexuality is also related to a social factor rather than a natural element, as studied in social science discourse. Sexual relationships are not rooted in the body only; however, it is in the life ...
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