Book Report

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Book Report

Book Report

The master piece of Freud is remarkable in nature, as the International Journal of Psychoanalysis can think of no more appropriate method of honoring the recollection of Sigmund Freud. The work of Freud is a brief but entire synopsis of psychoanalysis. The exactness of the presentation with the addition of linguistic articulateness is admirable. This is one of the last works of Freud which also shows its exceptional feature of his archetypal works. The briefness of this writing piece naturally makes a person to thoroughly read out as it holds a theoretical character and give no clinical instances. Freud says in his book that “the doctrines of psychoanalysis, as it were, dogmatically in the most concise form and in the most positive terms”. The person who does not have knowledge about Psychoanalysis will not grab the meaning of Freud and might sketch an incorrect picture of this description. On the other hand, it is also possible for a learner to misuse the formulation of 'dogmatic'. It has been observed that this book is very helpful for the analysts who simply want a concise outline which facilitate them to conduct any seminar or provide abstract to the students.

This book was written on the time of Freud's returning to the former project about an overview of psychoanalysis. He started writing this work in Vienna in the year of 1938 as he was leaving for London. The book displays with the descriptive outline of psychic apparatus that include its spatial association and distinction into agencies (Freud, 2003). Ego develops by striking with the outdoor world and also attempts to settle the needs of the superego, the id and reality. The superego represents the tradition and the id presents the hereditary past. These components drive from the situated id and show the somatic needs of psyche.

The psychoanalytic theory of Freud became the great turning of world psychology and provided the new approach to the treatment and analysis of "abnormal" adult behavior. Previously it was views that behavior was being ignored and the explanation of physiological was given by referring to abnormality. The approach of Freud recognizes that neurotic behavior is not accidental or worthless but purposive. Therefore, the analyst introduced a method for understanding behavior as informative and meaningful, without denying its physiological aspects and the purpose behind the patterns of abnormal behavior.

This book report describes the Nature of Mind, the ...
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