Present Day Treatment Of Hepatitis C Effective For African American Male Prisoners

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Present day Treatment of Hepatitis C Effective for African American Male Prisoners

Present day Treatment of Hepatitis C Effective for African American Male Prisoners

Research Manuscript: Methodology Section

Study Design

Methodology and Data Collection Procedures

The method of research adapted for the collection of data is secondary. Therefore, all the information retrieved for the manuscript belonged to books, journals and website. However, there were a certain number of steps followed stepwise from the collection of the data till the documentation of the research manuscript. These can be simplified in three basic steps that includes deciding the methodology, collecting the data in accordance to the methodology, filtering and compiling all the relevant information and collected final data (Creswell, 2006).

Aims and Objectives The research has the following aims and objectives

To find and discuss the spreading rate of the disease Hepatitis C amongst the citizen.

To analyze and discuss the spreading rate of the disease amongst the afro-american prisoners.

To analyze and discuss the lack of medical facilities available for the afro-american prisoners.


The research aims to achieve the following goals

To indicate the alarming rate with which the disease spreads currently.

To highlight the sufferings of the colored American prisoners as a result of deprivation of healthy environment in prison and some of the basic medical facilities.

To find out what areas specifically needed attention in providing quality treatment to the hepatitis C patients.

Research Question

The question of the research is whether the treatment provided and offered to Afro-American prisoners sufficient to cure Hepatitis C infection.


The hypothesis of the study is that the Afro-American individuals in prisons are not provided sufficient care for the treatment of Hepatitis B virus and infection.

Study Variables and Measures

Type and Sub Type of the Study

The type of the research design is Correlational. The correlation study or research design is one, which defines the relation between two chief variables of the research (Cresswell, 2008). Moreover, of the many sub types of a correlational design study, this particular study is a representation of observation design. In this particular manuscript, information was first collected using several authentic sources that explained and focused on how and in what ways the afro-american prisoners are denied or delayed some basic or quality medical aid in order to encounter Hepatitis virus. Hence, the all the aspects of carless attitude towards the deteriorating health conditions of these prisoners was followed and observed and various conclusions were drawn from it.


Since the study design of the manuscript is correlational, this refers that there are certain dependable or independent variables involved in the study that are related (Dawson, 2002). The first variable is the American citizens (X1). The second variable is the afro-american prisoners (X2). The third variable is the treatment facilities available for white American citizens (X3) and the fourth variable is the facilities provided to afro-american prisoners (X4). This refers that if analyzed statistically, the greater number of white Americans are provided with greater medical benefits where as majority of the colored prisoners are provided with ...
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