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Factors Encouraging or Discouraging Prejudice

Factors Encouraging or Discouraging Prejudice


In our daily life we witness several instances that originate as a result of the ongoing and prevailing tradition or custom. We as a nation or group adapt ourselves to those customs and grade them as a habitual practice of the inhabitants of a society, section or ethnic group. Moreover, we blindly tend to comply with that practice, regardless of the fact that it is desirable and appreciable or negative and unsound; even if we are at the receiving end. As these widespread practices have become a custom, seldom does it happen that a person considering them unsound, dares to break the them and acts as how he/she feels right.

In our society, there exist certain perceptions and practice with respect to the ethnic group, gender, nationality, color etc. Even if, we go back in history, we find it difficult to figure that how and when these perceptions and practices were originated, but since they are a common practice now. Therefore, we tend to follow it blindly without judging its social and ethical implication.Prejudice

The literal meaning of prejudice entails the partiality and biased feelings that forbid an individual from the consideration that is free from emotions and personal-biased feelings and bases some observable processes on the of an issue or situation; also, it the practice of prejudice entails the adverse judgments or opinions established in advance without a rational justification. These biased feelings towards a group are a gift of society to us, and we tend to endure them, without understanding and questioning its existence; not only do we tend to take it, but we pass it on, further to our society and upcoming generations (Barrows & Burnett, 2001).Illustration

One day I was walking on the roadside with my friend Sim to buy some grocery, from the nearby store. As we were busy walking and talking, a minor incident took place; there was a little collision between a cyclist and a pedestrian. The pedestrian was obviously busy in his own thoughts did not look or care about the traffic signal and continued to cross the road, where as the cyclist creaked to stop his ride/vehicle, but it eventually resulted in a collision. Frustrated from pedestrian's carelessness, the cyclist asked “can't you see?”. In return, the pedestrian gave him a stern look, signaling both disbelief and ridicule. Eventually the pedestrian walked away; however, there were some lads standing close to the scene. Regardless of considering ...
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