Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice) is a novel of the woman of letters English Jane Austen, published in 1813. She is considered as one of her most significant works and is the most publicly known.

Pride and Prejudice is a novel development must, in the attack the two main characters, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy by overcoming several crises, to find herself in a new humility and insight into their errors for a common future. However, this work of a writer who died young is to be understood not only as a love story, but also as a study contemporary society. The theme of a love story with a successful conclusion, the way it is working and our present expectations to ensure that work of the century literature even today a lot of attention. Because of numerous conditions, some films and even a reworking of the Broadway - Musical (1959) is its subject one of the best known of English literature.

The Plot

The novel describes something more than a year in the life of a small number of young people in the countryside near London at the turn of the 18th to 19 Century. In the innermost circle of wealthy and aristocratic families, rich and partly the Bennet family is with her five daughters between the ages of fifteen and early twenties. Main topic is the ultimately successful marriage of these three young women who find in their choice of marriage partners for each individual, a balance of love, economic security and professional affiliations. This start an independent life is affected by many intrigues and misunderstandings, just because of pride and prejudice influenced, and delayed (Valérie Cossy, 123-145).

The theme and influence

That the novel, despite his advanced age of nearly 200 years appears readable and contemporary, is situated on a series of timeless demands of readers who met the author in her work:

The theme of a love story with happy ending crises and in a manageable and contrasting figure constellation

A composition that the events and motives credible diverged, the plot threads together artfully and devours the reader no "loose ends" offers

A style that is subordinate to a variety of gatherings and omissions throughout the story and never get bored by detailed descriptions of appearance, clothing, furniture, etc.. Even the famous first sentence jumps right into the topic: In the world it is regarded as established truth, that a wealthy bachelor hold necessarily be on the lookout for a woman

A high entertainment value in a social satire that captivates us with "funny" characters, with many shades of irony and argumentative dialogues

In addition, the novel has the reader a general knowledge value: he is a primer of small talk and description of a whole concert of politeness, but through it by them have our heroes decipher the underlying feelings of arrogance and contempt, envy and jealousy. The Bennet sisters and their friend Charlotte are in their choice of partners in the existential situation of their young lives, ...
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