Pregnancy Transmitted Infection

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Pregnancy Transmitted Infection

Pregnancy Transmitted Infection

Pregnancy Transmitted Infection


Pregnancy - is a marvelous and mysterious period in a woman's life. Joy and delight, eternal consciousness performs women's work are interspersed with doubts, worries and fatigue. The great mystery of Nature - The Beginning of human life, is considered the top of the Creation, not ceasing to admire its perfection and scholars and poets, and people far from the science and art.

If not pathetic, it is - a hard and demanding job. Perform it easier if you know what, when and how are they in their own body. Experience shows that pregnant women are a lot of questions, and answers to them are essential to preserve a woman a sense of emotional balance, as required for successful gestation pregnancy. (Walboomers, et al, 1999)

General Features

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm reaches and crosses the cell membrane of the egg, fusing the nuclei and sharing both their genetic makeup to give rise to an egg cell or zygote , in a process called fertilization . Cell division of the zygote gives rise to the embryo, whose development is derived the adult individual. Inside the uterus, the fetus is floating in the amniotic fluid , and in turn the fluid and the fetus are involved in the amniotic sac , which is attached to the uterus. In the cervix, forming a thick mucus plug during pregnancy to make it difficult for microorganisms that cause intrauterine infection. This plug will be expelled during early labor.

While remaining within the zygote, embryo or fetus gets nutrients and oxygen and removes waste your metabolism through the placenta . The placenta is anchored to the inner wall of the uterus and is attached to the fetus by the umbilical cord . The expulsion of the placenta after birth is called birth. (Weinberg & Wilcox, 1998)

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

Perhaps the first sign of pregnancy is presumptive amenorrhea or absence of menstrual period. Because amenorrhea can occur for reasons other than pregnancy, is not always taken into account, especially if the woman has regular cycles. However, there may be many more signs that, together with amenorrhea suggest pregnancy, such as: nipples tenderness, dizziness, morning vomiting, drowsiness, impaired perception of odors, and cravings for certain foods ( cravings). This you can notice from second to third month of conception.


Another sign of suspicion of pregnancy is fatigue, characterized by fatigue , weakness and drowsiness. Although some women feel renewed energy, most would confess to feel intense fatigue. Some say fall asleep at any time of day, sometimes soon after they left the bed, and others claim to feel such sleepiness in the afternoon. Others feel tired pronounced at nightfall. This fatigue is often uncontrollable and requires sleep. Never found an explanation for this strange desire to sleep. It is a common symptom in the early months of pregnancy and is believed to be an effect of increased production of progesterone. This hormone is a sedative for humans, with strong tranquilizers and hypnotic ...
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