Sex Diseases

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Sex Diseases


Over the course of the 20th century, sex education became a contested but consistent feature in the American schoolhouse, its emphasis evolving from social hygiene; to courtship, marriage, and the family more broadly; to comprehensive programs including homosexuality and contraception; to the most recent curricula that teach abstinence from sexual activity as adolescents' only reliable recourse against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. This paper discusses regarding the sex diseases focusing more on the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases caused by bacteria (gonococci, Treponema), viruses (hepatitis B, herpes, HPV, CMV, AIDS), fungi (Candida albicans) or parasites (chlamydia, trichomonas vaginalis). These diseases are seen in every country in the world. According to World Health, the 250 million cases of STDs that occur each year worldwide, including due to trichomoniasis (120 million), chlamydia infection (50 million), with genital warts ( 30 million), with gonorrhea (25 million), genital herpes (20 million), syphilis (3.5 million), hepatitis B (2.5 million), chancroid (2 million) and HIV causes AIDS (1 million patients and 12 million HIV-positive) (EDK Associates, 1995).

STDs occur by damage to the genitals (gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, warts, etc.) or a generalized infection. In women, the vaginal are vaginal secretions, heavy, white or tinted. They are accompanied by clinical signs or not bothersome: itching, burning, spontaneous pain or during sex. They sometimes these signs go unnoticed by the woman and are discovered only during a medical examination. In men and in women, urethritis resulting in a urethral discharge, burning during urination, or the presence of filaments in the first few milliliters of urine are all signs of STDs. The risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases can be significantly reduced through the use of a condom. The higher the number of different sexual partners, the greater is the danger of contagio. It is believed that the spread of STDs is related to the lack of information and consequently caution. It also notes that most cases occur in people aged between fifteen and thirty years (May & Anderson, 1987).

The major STDs include:





Hepatitis B;

Genital herpes;


Syphilis, and

Trichomonas (Gallet, 2002).

Chlamydiae are pathogens, which are among the bacteria and are most often transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. Although infection is easily treated with antibiotics, but may, if it remains undetected in women with severe abdominal pain and even lead to infertility. Syphilis is also caused by bacteria transmitted during sexual intercourse. Within 10 to 90 days, ...
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