Practical Application Exercise

Read Complete Research Material


Practical Application Exercise

Practical Application Exercise


The research article under consideration in this practical application exercise is "It is a sucker's outfit: How urban gangs enable and impede the reintegration of ex-convicts" by Greg Scott. It was published in ethnography journal in the sage publications in 2004.


This research article is deductive in nature as it explores the topic by first discussing it in general. The research was carried out to shed light on the manner in which gang dealings have a negative influence on the formerly incarcerated lives of ex-convicts. This research carried out with regard to male ex-convicts.


The article syntesizes the previous studies as well as collect new data to data to draw conclusion. The researcher employed an interview based approach for data collection. The interviewees constituted ex-convicts and informants who had been in interaction with the gangs and drug dealers of Chicago. The author sought to determine the authenticity of the perspective that considered gang influence to be damaging for ex-felons in the long run. In the process, the researcher has asserted that the aggravation and hardships that ex-felons go through motivate them to take assistance from gangs; and while these gangs provide the assistance that is necessary for these ex-cons to survive, it tends to lead them towards the very same elements that landed them the ex-felons in prison in the first place. A key element that the research highlights that comes from the field research performed.


The presentation of the article follows a distinctive pattern. The researcher has not followed the traditional approach. The researcher has not presented previous researches under a separate heading or in a separate section. On the contrary, the researcher has chosen to present former studies as the research paper progresses. To improve the organization and readability of the article, the article can be divided into sections and presented under different headings. This will help the reader to extract relevant information, even without reading the whole article.


Thae article does not contain a separate section for previous studies, but discusses the researches as the article progresses. In this regard, the researcher has used literature that does not seem to be limited to any time span. In fact, a cursory analysis revealed that some of the former studies that used in the establishment of the literature span as far back as the early 1960s. However, it observed that the researcher has made sure ...
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