Practical Application Paper

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Practical Application Paper

Homosexuality and the Christian


Homosexuality is the sexual attraction or behavior between member of the same sex or gender. It refers to an individual's sense of personal and social identity based on the attraction towards member of the same sex. According to Mark A. in the book Homosexuality and the Christian, the practice of homosexuality and its approval as an increasingly predominant choice of lifestyle is increasingly becoming a part of our society. It happens on a day to day basis that we encounter couples of the same sex accepting each other with all their hearts, traditionally homosexuality was considered a taboo and people preferred to keep it to themselves, lately many government ordinances have been implemented to give the homosexuals their lawful right of being together with no fear. These ordinances are passed to enable the homosexual's equal rights to practice their lifestyle according to their choices.

Many gay churches have been opened with the ordination of gay priests and ministers. How does a Christian react to all of this? In order to answer we must understand the truth of God in the matter of homosexuality. Many Christians deviate from the truth and consider homosexuals inferior; we need to look at what God has said on the subject to be able to judge the situation. From the Genesis we see that God teaches heterosexual relationships. God has placed the act of sex between heterosexual marriages. Christians need to understand sex as a good thing. The underlining aspect of this book is, when Jesus was asked if man and women will be together in heaven his response was not in affirmation, since we are all in reality a part of Christ our entity comes from him, there will be no other religion accept for God and Christ(Yarhouse,2010).

actical Application

This book has altered my whole perception of homosexuality; I had considered it a normal behavior and accepted people's choices. But in reality there are so relations except for the one we seek in Christ our only savior. Homosexuals often turn towards counseling not with their own free will but because their families believe there is something wrong with them. Many homosexuals are lead to believe that they have deviated from what's right. In actuality they have but the way people deal with it is incorrect.

If a homosexual would approach me for guidance I would give them refuge by making them understand the bigger picture, as a psychiatrist we cannot prejudice any person for any of the choices that they make in life, though many might go astray it certainly does not mean that they are inferior and deserve to be maltreated. God is all too loving and forgiving that is the most important thing a homosexual needs to understand God is the only one who should matter these petty relationships are only limited to our worldly being, once we return to our maker we will unite with our real soul mate. Homosexuals are also people like me and you, they ...
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