Poster Analysis

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Poster Analysis

The purpose of the poster is to making people more aware of global warming and the melting ice caps and the species it is affecting; specifically polar bears Black, blue and white have mainly been used. These colors have associations with nature, and connotations of death. These colors are commonly found on posters. The main image is the polar bear, which gives the viewer an idea of what the poster is primarily about. This type of documentary is quite uncommon, so the image is not found on many posters. The lower half of the poster is an image of the globe, which eventually fades into black, this suggests the fate of the earth. The images are very realistic, no animation is used. They are very effective. The text is a white/grey color, which could signify the melting ice caps or the polar bears. The font size is quite large so it catches the viewers eyes, so they remember the name, which is a way of advertising.

Simple colors are used, just blue, white and orange this little amount of color is uncommon for a poster. A lot of background color is used to show the significance of the plane, and the statue of liberty. This poster is to give a visual understanding of the concept of the global warming, it has strong global links. The key image is the plane and the statue, to show what the documentary is primarily about and to emphasis the city of New York. This is a common effect in documentaries as they are usually focused on one specific subject The image is very realistic as it is of the iconic statue of liberty The color of the text is orange and white, which contrasts with the background color to make it stand out Small font has been used to emphasis. Four planes were hijacked. Three of them reached their target. This is a story of the fourth'. This gives the audience a huge clue about the plot of the poster The poster has a simple but effective layout. This poster could be aimed at an audience that is more mature I like this poster as it is very simple but gives away the ideas of the poster.

Poster shows that global warming is the most urgent environmental problem the world is facing. Few, if any, trends are more important to our future than climate change caused by human activities. This change is not beneficial. This warming trend occurring because of the buildup of greenhouse gases - primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide- which are a direct result of humans and the Industrial Revolution. These gasses are emitted profusely into the atmosphere by factories, cars, and many other devices. As the sun's rays hit the Earth's surface and bounce off, the gasses trap the heat. This creates the rise in temperature. These warming temperatures have many negative effects on Earth, which also affect us. I believe there are three main categories in which these raising temperatures ...
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