Policing Functions

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Organizational Management and Operations - Policing Functions

Organizational Management and Operations - Policing Functions


This discussion will attempt to identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. In order to do so adequately, the discussion will present an analysis of the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels. The purpose of this exercise is to establish similarities and differences between the above mentioned elements. In addition, the discussion will also give relevance to the leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level. Special attention will be given to the United States Criminal Justice System for information collection purposes.

Discussion & Analyses

The policing function at the local level is highly region restricted. Law enforcement officers functioning at the local level are generally designated with the task and responsibility of maintaining law and order in that particular region (Huey, 2008; Scott, 2010). Law enforcement officers at the local level do not generally intervene in state or federal issues unless specifically called upon for assistance. However, such cases are generally only observed when the law and order issue enters the region; or has originated from that region (Marks & Bonnin, 2010; Baker, 2009). Otherwise, local Law enforcement officers tend to remain committed to the task of remaining in constant connection with the locals. The collected information is then passed on to the state authorities who then utilize it for purposes of investigation and law enforcement (Rigakos & Ergul, 2011; Varona, 2012). This provides the local Law enforcement officers to serve as information channels for state law enforcement agencies.

The ties between local and state Law enforcement agencies are generally very strong (Herrington & Millie, 2006; Scott, 2009). Most communication from the local Law enforcement to the state tends to be based on suspicious observations and information regarding elements that the state has expressed interest in. State Law enforcement has the right to instruct local Law enforcement on possible threats that they should be precautious about (Weisburd, Hasisi, Jonathan & Aviv, 2010; Flack, Girvan, de Waal & Krakauer, 2006). The communication that the local Law enforcement agencies receive from the state is generally in the form of information that is meant to provide the local authorities of state level law enforcement measures; particularly those that may have an influence on the policing ability of local Law enforcement (Helsley & Strange, 2005; Stewart, Baumer, Brunson & Simons, 2009).

Similarities can be found in the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions of state and federal law enforcement agencies; in comparison to which the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions of local law enforcement authorities stand out (Ottinger, 2010; Arter, 2006). A primary reason behind this fact is that state and federal policing requires extensive management and maintenance of records and personnel (Hayes & Spratt, 2009; Beall, Gelb & Hassim, 2005). The police work is hectic and active at all times since a larger region makes it imperative for the policing agencies to stay on top of things (Mars, 2009; ...
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