Poetry Analysis

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Poetry Analysis

Poetry Analysis

This paper has analyzed the poems of Simon Armitage including “My Father thought it Bloody Queer” and “Mother Any Distance.” These poems are contemplation of the relationship between parents and children. The themes of these people are family relationships and troubled between parents and children. The poems have also discussed the strong bond between the mother and child. The poet has discussed the unbreakable attachment between parents and their children. The tone of the poet in these poems is relaxed. Armitage has concentrated on intimate relationship between parents and children. The poems are also a reflection of the relationship of Armitage with his parents. In the poem, Mother any Distance, the poet has referred mother as second pair of hands.

In the poem, My Father thought it Bloody Queer, the poet has shared the struggle between father and son. The opening lines of the poem, My Father thought it Bloody Queer have been written in the voice of first person. The voice of father, in the poem, has been presented through the reported speech. The poem “My Father thought it Bloody Queer” has narrated the story of a boy returning home with an earning. The father of the boy was not pleased with him. The poem has presented an account of complex relationships between parents and teenage children. In the poem, the poet has discussed the relationship between boys and girls in their early teens who strive to become independent. The attitudes and values of teenage children result in the development of conflict with their parents. It is because the attitudes and values of parents are different from those of children (Hart and Loader, 1998, pp. 52).

In the poem, “My Father Thought I Bloody Queer,” the poet has explained the relationship between children and their parents. In this poem, the poet has recalled his experience of teenage life when he got his ear pierced. In order to explain the relationship between parents and children, the poet has discussed a scenario when teenagers attempt to do something daring and their parents disapprove their act. The poem “My Father thought it bloody queer” has explained the reaction of a father to this son when the boy had his ear pierced. The style of the poem is controversial. However, the poet has used several rhyming words. The subject in both poems is the relationship of children with their parents. Another theme of the poem “My Father thought it Bloody Queer' is the struggle of children for independence. When the boy got his eyes pierced, the father thought that it was bloody queer. In this context, queer refers to unusual or odd. The reaction of father, in this poem, is strong. Father scolded his son by saying that he has lost his mind. In the poem, “My Father thought it Bloody Queer”, the poet has also explained complex relationships between parents and children from the perspective of father. The father of the boy, in the poem, believed that the action of his son ...
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