Poem Analysis

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Poem analysis of 'American Primitive' and 'Daddy'

Poem analysis of 'American Primitive' and 'Daddy'


The poem “American Primitive” is composed by William Jay Smith's which is a contemporary ballad of three quatrains describing scene of a suicide in voice of a child narrator.

Thesis statement

The poem warns reader that the poem may engage with unsophisticated content or perhaps even be crude in nature.


Both content and the style fulfill the thesis statement. This promise, like a tragic scene is revealed in bits and pieces that contribute to a growing sense of mystery and horror.

Smith was not engaged in the connections between his life and work, but his terrifying childhood memories have an important bearing on his poetry. The episode with his father is a dangerous encounter with the players from San Luis, for example, is reflected (through a protective glass that distort) in his superb "American primitive."

This haunting poem eludes paraphrase, yet has a clear emotional effect on the listener. Like Valery ideal of pure poetry, which acts as a piece of absolute music to create an effect on the listener that is accurate, but ineffable. Similarly, although the poem is very polished and controlled, which dates back to spell key element of the verse. With regular rhyme and rhythm, the lines are repeated, and the obsessive repetition of certain sounds, the poem could almost be pronounced a spell to summon a ghost (Elizabeth, 1998).

The poem consists of a series of simple sentences stacked on top of another, usually linked by and / or words that give the illusion of a logical progression. But the relationship between the lines is mostly non-syntactic, logic, and the listener's head turns trying to put the lines in an especially sensitive. The illusion of the relationship between the images is enhanced by the rhymes, which give a semblance of order phonetically. The confusion is enhanced by extraordinary poem meter (trochaic tetrameter with many weak initial stresses that can also be scanned as anapests). Smith rhythmic dexterity of the hand with two speeds and smooths the trochaic meters without losing its hypnotic pulse. "Galileo Galilei" moves so quickly that the listener does not have time to reflect on what has been said, but must keep up with line by line.

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